Worthy Causes to Support that Do More than Hand out Pamphlets
We all need a little help sometime.
Let’s lighten their load
This world can be a harsh place and the only way we will survive is by relying on and pitching up for each other.
Not everyone has access to the same resources and opportunities and this inequality can be the cause for a lot of pain.
One of the best ways to reduce “world suck” aka the amount trouble we are all in, is to do what we can to help our fellow man (and woman, and child…even pooches and critters is you want.)
Be selfish about it.
As unselfish as regular charitable giving might make you appear, it’s not like you get nothing out of it. It has been proven that being involved in your community, volunteering or donating to a worthy cause gives you instant and long-term kick of happy hormones. By giving, you also get something. Science even has a name for this. It’s called the “helper’s high”
We love giving our readers things…
This is why we decided to give you a handy guide to some of South Africa’s most worthy charities. Pick one and start changing for the better:
United Nations Population Fund
The UNFPA has a strong presence throughout Africa and through their “mama kit” initiative they actively support new mothers and newborns. These kits include the basics needed for this fragile part of life. This included clean clothing for mom and baby, a blanket, diapers and appropriate soap for baby’s delicate body.
Your support also allows UNFPA to continue their work of combatting maternal deaths. They also providing safe contraception and fight against gender based and domestic violence.
Age in Action
“When an elder dies, a library burns to the ground.”
Amadou Hampâté Bâ
As South Africans, we say we have a reverence for our elders, and we speak about the respect they deserve, but the sad truth is that this isn’t always the case.
Often times, the older members of our communities become a nuisance and are on the receiving end of “elderly abuse”. Age in Action is an organisation that is focussed on bringing support, dignity and resources to our elders. Through their advocacy, initiatives and on-the-ground support systems they attempt to alleviate the burdens of the aged population.
Keep the Dream 196
KTD196 is a local organization, working in the Limpopo province, focusing on providing guidance and teaching life skills to children aged 5 to 26 years
“…we are dedicated to helping children overcome challenging life circumstances and develop resilience in all aspects of their lives. Through our Rights-based framework, we aim to empower children physically, emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically, enabling them to reach their full potential and make meaningful contributions to the growth of South Africa.”
Co- founders Elizabeth Mabuza and Louise Batty
Keep the Dream 196 was founded in 2003 and grew rapidly, from just 13 girls to more than 1400 cubs and scouts today. This organisation is doing invaluable work on the ground in one of our most vulnerable provinces. They provide hope and opportunities to our future leaders!
Be selfish, start giving!
Getting involved in some form of charitable giving requires you to get out of your comfort zone. But that doesn’t mean you have to suffer through it. We promise you that once you find the right worthy cause for you, the positive returns will start streaming in.
These are just a few of the amazing organisations who will benefit from any form of donation to keep doing their life-changing work