Trust a Home Improvement Supplier?

by Yvette Lamusse
I simply love my home. It’s a special space but owning an old house built in the 1940s, comes with a lot of home improvement stories I can tell. Some of our projects have been really exciting and beautifully successful, but I remember one project that was a nightmare – and would be for anyone doing a home improvement project.
A couple of years ago we found a random guy on the web who promised he could build us a beautiful screen to create some privacy from our neighbours and do some landscaping around it. It sounded perfect! When he arrived to do a quote, he took some measurements and explained that we needed to pay a 75 per cent deposit before he would start the project, because he struggled to get payment from clients!
My dear husband trusted the friendly, well-presented guy and paid the deposit. A week went by, and no show. Later it was two weeks, then three… We phoned and phoned and later realised that we had been scammed and this guy was never going to build the screen.
A Vetted Supplier Saves the Day
A few months later, we found another guy who promised he could finish the project. My husband simply refused to pay any deposit. This wonderful man promised to be back in three days to start the project and it would take him two days to finish. He came three days later and it took him two days to complete everything. It looked simply beautiful. He was a professional and talented landscaper! I wished I could tell people about him and recommend him but at that stage, there wasn’t a platform where one could rate home improvement suppliers!
When we at Homemakers decided on our digital platform, we decided that HOMEMAKERSonline will primarily empower you, the homeowner. We wanted to build a site that is exciting and will inspire you with the newest trends and ideas, and most importantly, connect you with home improvement suppliers that are vetted.
All of our advertisers on HOMEMAKERSonline are vetted. We can trace an ID number and proof of residence to every one of our advertisers. Some of our clients have been advertising in our magazines for more than 35 years and exhibiting at our expo’s for more than 25 years! We are now taking our vetting even further by adding a client rating system to our digital platform. Now, when you need to pay that deposit, you will be able to do it with a little more assurance.
We have started a huge campaign encouraging our advertisers to get their customers to rate them. It’s early days and these ratings still need to grow over time, but we are so excited about this that we decided to share some of them with you.
Bertie Matthysen wrote about Pave Art: “Excellent work done. We have used Pave Art many times in the past and the present and they are simply the best! We will never consider another company. “
Monte Knoesen wrote about Sundowner Skylights Bloemfontein “Excellent service! “
Brian Bretherton wrote about Big Sky Domes Skylights: “Two brilliant and professional installations in my Westville and Salt Rock homes.”
Jana wrote about Louver Deck: “Great quality and excellent service”
Nico Kotze wrote about 0861Nutsman: “Thank you for the prompt response and good work”
Mike Butcher wrote about Vibrant Direct:” Great service”.
Hannelie Meyer wrote about Xeno Steel:” Good Service”
Gerhard Basson wrote about Xcurity:” Xcurity has provided great products, advice and maintenance more than once. We are truly satisfied with the products, service and friendliness of the people. I would highly recommend them – much better than the other brands.”
After 38 years in the home improvement industry, we still strive to be at the forefront of the home improvement industry, connecting you – the homeowner – with vetted suppliers. What better vetting system there be than one by you, the homeowners!
Find a vetted supplier right here!