Farm-Style Swimming Pool Inspiration
With a farm-style pool, you can experience the wonderful nostalgia of farm vacations in your own backyard again. Read More
Home Spa Design Inspiration
Home spas are a luxury through and through. From steam baths to head-to-toe shower jets and your own massage room, this type of luxury is something to invest. Read More
Eco-Friendly Pools
If you are considering building a new pool this summer you have to think of ways to make your pool eco-friendly. Read More
There can be no compromise on pool safety
I have had a dreadful experience of my son nearly drowning. We visited friends and they have a large swimming pool which is not covered. The children were playing around the pool, throwing toys into it and running up & down. We weren’t really worried, as we knew that we were sitting very close to the pool. There we were, 4 adults sitting outside chatting specifically about drowning and...Read More
How to get the most out of your swimming pool
Spring is finally here and your swimming pool may already be beckoning you to take a dip. Whether you have already taken a traditional Spring day swim or you are waiting for the water and weather to warm up a bit more, here are five ways to ensure your pool is at its best this season. Daily Swimming pool Clean Doing small tasks like clearing leaves from the surface of your pool will stop dirt...Read More