LED Sunrise – Bespoke lighting to brighten your day.
Rise and shine baby! Story time: I have difficulty sleeping. Always have. In fact, I have never slept through the night. From my first evening on this earth, (my mom revels in telling people) Night-time was my go-time. This is probably why I have no younger siblings. I think I broke my parents… As I grew older, I got used to this, and I have many little hacks and...Read More
Home Office the Right Way
Does Your Home Office Inspire You to Excellence, or Just to Exit? Despite the world’s best efforts, it seems like Covid-19 is set to become an endemic reality in most countries. Add to this the social surge championing remote working and the effects of the Great Resignation being felt around the world making employers anxious about skills retention. Honestly, it seems...Read More
Cosy, Snug and Warm Lighting
Lighting is a magical thing. It really is an overall accent element that you cannot go cheap on. The better your lighting suits the space, the more liveable it becomes. This is because different types of lighting all have different purposes and if you can do more than one thing in one space – you’re winning! Eye-catching lighting looks great and always welcomes...Read More
Bathrooms and Bedrooms: Which Lighting Where?
Lighting is a small investment you can make towards your home. Eye-catching lighting looks great and always welcomes compliments from visitors. Choosing the right lighting for your bathroom and bedroom is very important and in many homes, something that is not always taken into consideration. Lighting has a different purpose in every space of your home. In this article we discover the best...Read More
Contemporary Lighting
Contemporary lighting and modern lighting often come across as the same thing, but they definitely are not. Modern lighting is any style of lighting that evolved with the radical changes in visual art around the post-modern art revolution. You can still find some amazing, modern lighting from the late 50s onwards in beautiful homes all around the world. Some designers describe modern lighting...Read More
DIY: Easy Chandeliers
Later this month we will be talking about contemporary lighting. To get your creative juices flowing, we thought it would be a good idea to share a quick contemporary lighting DIY idea. We love all the inspiration we get online and we totally fell in love with the idea of creating very cool lampshades in a super easy and fun way. Today we are looking at creating your own floral, geometric,...Read More
Home Spa Design Inspiration
Home spas are a luxury through and through. From steam baths to head-to-toe shower jets and your own massage room, this type of luxury is something to invest. Read More
Why your home wants outdoor lighting
t has been said that lighting is art for your home. It highlights the architecture and landscape. The perfect light fixture not only illuminates a space but it’s also a beautiful and decorative design element. If you’re still unsure whether to install outdoor lighting, here are 4 reasons why you should come over to the light side. 1. Beauty Though sometimes not so obvious, but outdoor...Read More
The ultimate monthly home maintenance guide
Check, clean and repair patios and decks. Becoming a homeowner is always exciting. Making sure that your home remains in good condition can take time. Use this simple maintenance guide to keep up with regular maintenance and avoid the most common maintenance issues. Although we’ve tried to keep this guide as simple as possible, it is always best to seek professional help if you are unsure....Read More