Pantone Colour of the Year – Very Peri
Pantone has taken the past two years into account and come up with the perfect antidote to the worldwide pandemic-hangover from which we’ve all been suffering. Read More
Creative Storage Ideas for Your Home
We have zoned in on our top three areas to create more space and make for a better living area for your family and friends. Read More
Architecture, Building & Renovations, Damp, Waterproofing & Roof Repairs, Fireplaces & Heaters, Gutters, Downpipes & Fascias, Home, Security & Related
Home Safety Resolutions to Keep Your Family Protected
Resolving to be better and do better this year is commendable. It, unfortunately, often lacks the focus and direction to really reflect what should be improved upon and what is just a reaction to societal pressure. Lose weight and exercise? Yes, those are good ideas if you are doing it to improve your health so that you can be the best version of yourself for your family. More often...Read More
Detox Your Refrigerator for Better Health
Your refrigerator might not be the only part of your life splitting at the seams. Festive gluttony is a trap we all fall into. Over-indulging is soon joined by those other dangerous “overs” including over-spending, over-gifting, over-catering and finally, overthinking. The best way to fight the lethargy and “over”- ness of the last couple of months, is to take back control, one step...Read More
Home Office the Right Way
Does Your Home Office Inspire You to Excellence, or Just to Exit? Despite the world’s best efforts, it seems like Covid-19 is set to become an endemic reality in most countries. Add to this the social surge championing remote working and the effects of the Great Resignation being felt around the world making employers anxious about skills retention. Honestly, it seems...Read More
“Lovilee” Children’s Room Inspiration
From night-time nappy changes to starting school, children’s needs change almost as quickly as they do. Having a children’s room that meets their and your needs as they grow can seem like a never-ending project. We chatted to award-winning blogger and mom, Karen Kelly (The Lovilee Blog) to get her tips and insider info for beautifully designed, functional children’s room decor....Read More
Valentine’s Day and Chill
Romantics, it’s time to celebrate! Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, which means there’s some extra time to spend with your loved one. Like everything else in the past year, some changes are needed when it comes to celebrating the day of love, but we see it as an opportunity to enjoy some quality time together at home. Here are ten home-based date ideas to show your loved one how...Read More
Show your Home Some Love
There are many ways to show your home some love. It also does not have to be in the form of home maintenance. Sometimes it’s the small things that make home a little bit more special and in this case a bit more romantic. Create a Sanctuary Even in the smallest of homes, you can take the time to create a sanctuary for yourself. A place of stillness tucked away from the hustle and bustle of...Read More