Switch it up!
Sort your switch out and set yourself up for success A tiny thing, a big deal. It is a pretty basic thing – you use it multiple times a day, usually (unless loadshedding is involved) without even thinking about it. It’s on or it’s off, sometimes it can be dimmed, sometimes it can be automated, some even listen when you clap or speak but that’s it. It is just a light...Read More
What is your garden aesthetic?
The magic of a personalised garden. A clever person once said that if you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. While we can’t really help you with the library (luckily you have the magic of the internet), we can help you with the garden! Every flower blooms in its own time. No two people, bread loaves, sunsets or gardens can or should be the same. The...Read More
Bamboo – Green as advertised, or just a fad?
Bamboo is being touted as the new green fix. Is it worth the hype? Bamboo is a versatile and exceptionally strong natural material with a higher tensile strength than steel! Everything from clothing to toothbrushes and kitchen utensils are now made from bamboo as a “sustainable” alternative to conventional wood, plastic and textiles. Why is bamboo so green?...Read More