Design Trends To Follow For The New Season
Each season brings new colours, furniture design and aesthetics to the forefront. Find out which trends are in for Autumn. Read More
Top 3 Design Trends – Autumn Edition
Each season brings new colours, furniture design and aesthetics to the forefront. Find out which trends are in for Autumn. Read More
Creative Storage Ideas for Your Home
We have zoned in on our top three areas to create more space and make for a better living area for your family and friends. Read More
“Lovilee” Children’s Room Inspiration
From night-time nappy changes to starting school, children’s needs change almost as quickly as they do. Having a children’s room that meets their and your needs as they grow can seem like a never-ending project. We chatted to award-winning blogger and mom, Karen Kelly (The Lovilee Blog) to get her tips and insider info for beautifully designed, functional children’s room decor....Read More
Launched: 2021 Johannesburg HOMEMAKERS Fair
What was, no longer is. How we live has changed. Home is not just where we live but where we celebrate, relax, rejuvenate, learn, teach, work, workout and so much more. What we treasure are the experiences and memories we make with those in it. Home evolved and we need to do the same. After 28 years, Homemakers Expo, SA’s premier home improvement and lifestyle show, makes way for HOMAKERS...Read More
Insider Tips for a Cosy Winter Home
The South African winter may not be the coldest when compared to the rest of the world but most of us can agree that the icy winds, crisp, dry air and rain in some parts of the country are cold enough to warrant a few changes to cosy up your home. We asked interior designer, writer and editor of SA Decor and Design, Marcia Margolius, award-winning lifestyle blogger, Karen Kelly (Lovilee Blog),...Read More
Re-Imagine Your Home
International research has shown, pre-COVID-19, that consumers are spending more money on their home than fashion. Our prediction is that this trend will increase, in months and years to come. Social distancing and lockdown have afforded us the time to rethink and reimagine our homes. We have counted our blessings and noticed the shortcomings. We’ve also realised that our relationship with...Read More
Stylish Fireplaces
Nothing beats a fireplace in the winter. Its iconic look and feel will never tire any homeowner. Today fireplaces are more versatile than ever before offering people a wide variety of choices in look, form and function. In this article, we discover new trends with fireplaces as well as what needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the right one for your home and budget. Wall Art We...Read More
Young Designers Challenge Winners
The Industrial Design students from the University of Johannesburg collaborated with Vermont Sales and HOMEMAKERS to bring the most cutting edge ideas to life. This year the idea was for young designers to design products that change and improve people’s lifestyles. Top products were on display at the Expo where the winning design was chosen. Visitors can expect to see innovations around...Read More