Support a worthy cause as winter approaches
Give a helping hand to warm someone else’s heart
It’s almost wintertime!
For many of us this means looking forward to lazy nights, hearty meals and scarf-and-sweater weather, but it is a whole different ballgame for many South Africans.
The stats don’t lie and according to a report by the World Bank, done in 2020:
“Although South Africa has made progress in reducing poverty since 1994, the trajectory of poverty reduction was reversed between 2011 and 2015, threatening to erode some of the gains made since 1994. Approximately 55.5 percent (30.3 million people) of the population is living in poverty at the national upper poverty line (~ZAR 992) while a total of 13.8 million people (25 percent) are experiencing food poverty. Similarly, poverty measured at the international poverty lines of $1.90 and $3.20 per person per day (2011 PPP) is estimated at 18.9 percent and 37.6 percent in 2014/15, up from 16.6 percent and 35.9 percent in 2010/11, respectively. South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world with Gini index at 63 in 2014/15. Inequality is high, persistent, and has increased since 1994. High levels of income polarization are manifested in very high levels of chronic poverty, a few high-income earners and a relatively small middle class.
Distressingly, this means that more than half of our fellow South Africans live on or below the breadline.
As one of the most unequal countries in the world, there is a major burden on the privileged minority to support worthy causes focused on the upliftment of the underprivileged majority.
With winter approaching there is no better time to find a worthy cause and support your fellow man.
Whether you are interested in childcare, elderly care, maternal health, education or simply want to feed the nation, we went scouring the charitable world and found a worthy cause to suit your vibes.
Child focussed charity work.
Not only are children our future, but they deserve our love and protection. offers a wide variety of children focussed charities in Gauteng. gives you options to choose the best, reputable charities benefitting children in KZN has a list of children’s charities that do great work nationally.
Elderly care and hospice provides and extensive list of charities working nationwide to support and provide dignity to vulnerable elderly persons. provides care and support for elderly people in the greater Southern Arican region
Another worthy cause that definitely deserves our support are the charities that support the childhood palliative care system.
PatchSA specifically offers unmatched palliative care support to children, their loved ones and their carers. Driven by a dedicated board of paediatricians and oncologists with years of experience, PatchSA understands what is needed to provide the ultimate care for children with life limiting conditions.
Maternal health
Maternal health remains a massive issue in the world, but even more so in Sub Saharan Africa. Maternal mortality figures in this region are as high as 531 deaths for every birth. There are a number of international charities that are doing vital work to curb this number and keep mothers and babies safe.
According to the Ukhanyo Foundation, the statistics for South African pupils are shocking.
Completing school is a challenge for students from poor households, approximately 60% of learners will drop out before reaching matric. Many of those that do complete matric fail their exams and are unable to find jobs or further their education, reinforcing the poverty cycle and perpetuating inequality.
Feeding schemes
Ladles of love offers an easy way to make your money matter. The offer a structured monthly donation scheme which provides daily nutritious meals to children across the country. They call this initiative “feed the future” and they are, at present, providing daily nutritious meals to 6 500 children.
Their “Dignity Kitchen” scheme also provides 3 500 meals weekly to destitute people across the country.
Becoming involved, even just as a once off donation, does make a real difference in the lives of many of our fellow South Africans. However, the cumulative effect of thousands of small, reliable monthly donations, is what allows these charities to keep the doors open, the soup pots full and the services flowing.
We live in one of the most unequal countries in the world.
There are so many socio political and economic reasons for this. But – while you stand and moan about this, a child is going hungry. A Gogo needs certainty about her old age and a child drops out of school to look for a job to feed his family. We can be unhappy with what is going on, while we help where we can.
Donating to worthy causes does not mean that you condone the rampant corruption and mismanagement of taxpayer money that should be sorting out these social issues.
But it will fill a tummy and give hope while we petition, protest and demand more from our government.