Want to make mealtimes a family affair and get your kids off the couch and into the kitchen?
Why not embrace a Worldwide Wednesday?
The idea is simple: Each week a family member or housemate gets to pick a specific country.
That family member or housemate should prepare a short introduction to the country: Basics like geography, climate and population, but also fun facts like funny sayings or interesting cultural practices.
Sunday evening: Pick the country.
Monday: Introduce the country for the week during dinnertime.
Tuesday: Research the cuisine of the country and plan a menu around the traditional dishes of that region.
Wednesday: Cook the planned menu and eat together while listening to music from the country.
Thursday – Saturday: Keep the chosen country alive by snacking on sweet treats or drinks that are linked to the country and see if you can find a movie, or even a board game that embodies the spirit of that country for the week.
Sunday: Start it all over again!
For the Worldwide Wednesday meal, get the whole household involved.
If you have to go to a specific supermarket that you don’t usually visit or need unusual eating utensils to set the table, enjoy the strangeness of this experience and see what you can learn from each new country.
Stuck on which country to pick? Try a randomizer that picks a new country at each click.
There are also mobile apps available to help you pick a country.
While its easy to default to well-known countries like the USA (Coca Cola and corndogs are so basic) try to find a lesser known dish or even deliberately pick an unfamiliar country. The goal is to educate yourself and taste new things. A British roast dinner or French Onion Soup isn’t as exotic as you think it is…