Start 2025 strong
Welcome back home:
So, you’ve done sun, sand and waves. Or bush, braai and communal bathrooms. Or endured forced politeness, dry pot roasts and judgement at your in-law’s place…whatever your holidays entailed, it’s time to get back home and start the new year!
As much as we love a slow start , mindful living and being in the moment – we think 2025 deserves a high energy blast off!
Kick off your 2025 right and set yourself up for success by doing these three things the minute you come home. (After switching on the geyser and opening the curtains.)
Step 1: Unpack your bags, clean out the car
This is practical as well as metaphorical advice. You can’t start the year with a duffle bag full of dirty laundry and your toothbrush somewhere in a side pocket. (The same goes for emotional baggage – leave the nonsense and guilt in 2024 please!)
Yes, you might just want to collapse after arriving home, and the temptation to leave everything and just veg out in an attempt to prolong the Vaycay vibes is strong…But: your future self will thank you if you deal with this task within the first 20 minutes of coming home.
By unpacking your bags immediately, you’ll be able to take stock of laundry, relive some of the festive cheer as you get out any gifts or souvenirs from your holiday, and start making a mental list of what needs to happen before you go back to work. Doing this will activate your brain.
Top Tip: Along with unpacking your bag, doing a load of laundry isn’t a bad idea.
Step 2: Drink a glass of water
Drink a big glass of water and eat something fresh. We don’t want to be preachy, and you don’t have to go to the extremes of dry January or Veganuary. We are simply saying you should drink some water. This is actually great advice for every day of the year.
Let’s be honest, if you had to road trip to get back home, you probably lived off of Wimpy coffee and junk food for the past 24hours. So, your body will thank you if you eat an apple and down some H2O. To be able to do this, you’ll need to plan a bit.
Top Tip: We love the idea of ordering fresh grocery delivery to coincide with your homecoming. Get the Checkers Sixty60 guy to bring you something fresh and healthy and start your first day back with a vitally important vitamin boost.
Step 3: Set your alarm and plan your tomorrow.
Make peace with the fact that you are back in the real world now. Even if school or work won’t start for a couple of days, don’t fall into the trap of snoozing away your last couple of leave days. If you usually wake up at 5am but spent the whole holiday sleeping late, the shock of an early wakeup can really ruin your day. Time your wakeups to be a gentle slide back into routine and set your alarm for 7 and then 6am…even if you don’t have to get dressed and pack lunchboxes immediately, get up, make your bed and start moving.
Unpopular opinion that you’ll thank us for later.
We suggest heading home a day or two before your responsibilities resume. This allows you to take a breath before jumping back in.
Top Tip: Plan your last days of freedom, and why not meal prep some easy dinners for the first week back? To make your mornings easier, breakfast prep is another great way to set yourself up for success.
Other life hacks we have found that really work towards making the first days back easier include:
- Filling up your car and giving it a once over in terms of maintenance (Oil, water, tires) Trust us: Tomorrow-You will love Today-You for getting this chore out of the way.
- Check the contents of your fridge and freezer before you do a big shop and use up what you’ve got. Nobody likes a crowded fridge and this will also limit buying double and wasting food.
It isn’t easy, but it is necessary!
Homemakers wishes you a safe, happy and healthy homecoming and start to 2025 – We’ll be here for you 24/7, 365.