Spring gardening is really important and if you have not started with small tasks around the garden, it’s not too late! Create a foundation for a beautiful summer garden that will look great for months, if taken care of correctly.
Here are a few things you can start doing in your garden to give your home a well-kept, easily maintained garden.
Signs of Growth
Now is a good time to start paying attention to which plants and trees are starting to blossom. Jasmine, Magnolia and Jacaranda blossoms are signs of spring and also a sign for you to start planting and preparing your beddings.
Remove winter mulch from surrounding perennials or, if you have a well-composted pile, work it into the bedding soil with a garden fork. Loosening the earth allows for better water filtration and better air circulation. Clear away dead leaves or any other debris from the soil surface, giving a fresh foundation to start planting.
Plant Summer Seedlings
There are quite an array of flowers and veggies to choose from if you plan on doing any planting in spring. Once your bedding and soil are prepared for seedlings you can jump right in. Bulbs are a wonderful choice at this time of year and will give your garden the appeal you desire all summer. If this is your first time, choose to plant easy-care flowers like Inpatients, Sweet Peas and Pansies. These will flower for months.
Re-potting in general can cause some stress to your plants, and doing so more than once a year is not always recommended. Re-pot your plants to ensure better growth, as the fresh soil adds nutrients that may be depleted in the older soil. Re-potting also makes plant divisions easier and gives gardeners the opportunity to plant more of their favourites around the garden.
Re-potting also improves the look of the houseplant. Moving the plant to a new pot or container allows you to get rid of outdated or weathered pots that no longer flatter your garden.
Find more gardening advice here.