Spring Cleaning
Spring is almost here and the time has come for the long-awaited spring clean bonanza at home. If you are pretty organized this won’t be a big job, but for those of us who struggle to keep a strict cleaning schedule, it is time to do some cleaning and basic maintenance around the house to fully enjoy the warm months ahead. Here is our spring cleaning check-list.
Outside Checks First
Take the weekend to get your home ready for spring. It is a rather intensive job that includes washing windows, checking for nests from nasty critters, and of course, making sure your roof has no loose tiles and your gutters are clear from any debris or build-up from the winter. If you have a traditional, outdoor braai area – remember to check your chimney.
It is also important to check your hosepipe, sprinklers or irrigation systems for any broken or damaged heads. Dogs love chewing on sprinklers, so make sure yours is safe too.
Inside Cabinets and Cupboards
Some cupboards in your house can remain a mess for months if you do not take action early. Sort linens and towels and make sure they remain in your linen cupboard with nothing else. Your linen cupboard is no place for unused Christmas gifts, old decoders or your vacuum cleaner.
Refresh Those Whites
Nothing says spring like fresh, whites. Keep your whites looking good by laundering slipcovers, cushion covers and curtains. You can also send them for dry cleaning if they’re not machine washable. Make use of your vacuum’s upholstery attachment when cleaning white upholstery and Roman blinds.
Cleaning Metals
Many of us have metal accessories and appliances – especially stainless steel. Make sure you keep them clean and sparkly by wiping away any grime or food build-up. Fingerprints love to stick to metals and giving them a wipe with a good polish and dry cloth is the way to go!
Tile Up
Eek! Tiles can get gross – especially in bathrooms. Your kitchen and laundry room may also need attention here, so make sure you have the right equipment to tackle this job. We love using a household steam cleaner to remove any mould and build-up that you cannot reach with a cleaning brush.
Throw Away the Old Magazines, Already
Unless you’re a serious collector or want to reminisce about fashion adverts from the 2000s there is really, no reason to keep old magazines lying around. Recycle them or use parts of them as trendy collage artwork.
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