Side Hustle How To
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Side-Hustles in South Africa
how to hustle your way into profit
Ah, the good old days. You know, the days that your grandparents keep talking about with nostalgia in their eyes? The days that none of us had even heard of side hustles – and certainly didn’t need to know what it meant. It sounds like a fairy tale!
Once upon a time, you could earn a living, afford a house and a spouse and a dog and even two-point-five kids from one job in one place. I know, I know. This is too magical, even for the brothers Grimm. Who could ever believe that the world once worked like that?
Business Insider would have you believe that the “obsession” with side hustle culture is unhealthy and bad for the economy.
Does anyone honestly believe that those who hustle, do it out of anything but pure necessity? We’d all rather be doing something relaxing after work. Like, scrolling on our phones while not-really-watching some new true-crime documentary. Just me? Okay.
If you think you might be one of the “obsessed” and want to take a gander at some side-hustle possibilities, keep reading:
Side-Hustle Summary
The pandemic has opened quite a few doors that we didn’t even know existed in the past. For some, the just-under two years indoors created opportunities for self-improvement. You can find an endless list of articles about how they got their “lock-down kgs down”. Or how the time indoors helped them reconnect with family members.
For others, the pandemic brought a worse possibility. The dreadful realities of making a living in an increasingly cut-throat capitalist society became clear. The unfortunate truth is that many people had to re-evaluate their employment conditions. And the consensus was that most salaries were found wanting. It’s nothing new – it takes two full-time workers to afford housing, food, and childcare these days.
What other option is there but to take your financial health into your own hands?
Side-Hustle since Forever
Can you believe that the term side-hustle has been around since the 1950s? People have had to supplement their income since time immemorial. Any service or product you sell to pay for things that your primary occupation can’t cover is considered a side-hustle. The etymology of “hustle” is a lot more entertaining than the application thereof. It comes from an early Dutch word meaning “shake”. (Now is not the time for a Taylor Swift reference – she’s never needed to hustle.)
If you look at the number of creators on TikTok, Youtube and Etsy it is obvious that hustle culture permeates every part of civilisation.
So Many Sides to Hustle From
The list of side-hustles is inexhaustive. There is no hard-and-fast way to judge what can be profitable and what can’t. Your side-hustle opportunities are only limited by two things; your imagination and your ability to interpret what the market wants.
Let’s look at a few that might spark your creativity:
Create a Youtube channel
If you have any good ideas and a bit of charisma, you can make it big on the ‘Tube. Do you enjoy cooking or baking? These channels always do very well. Maybe you are an online gamer? Making video tutorials will result in your hobby becoming profitable.
Sell your goods on Etsy
Etsy was launched in 2005. It seemed like a very silly platform since handmade items were not as popular back then. Who could have imagined that the marketplace would eventually have over 1.8 million sellers? The profit range of an Etsy seller is between R130 and R75 000 per month, with the average being reported as R4400. It all obviously depends on what you are selling – but it’s really not bad for a side-hustle.
Become a tutor
Teaching is a fulfilling but tiring profession. It’s not for everyone. But, you might just find that you are the kind of person who really can impart knowledge effectively. Are you uniquely talented and have a good grasp of your craft? Then there is no reason why you should not help inspire others. You might even earn between R152 and R300 per hour.
Be an affiliate marketer
If you have your own platform already, this is an easy way to make a buck. Why not cash in on everyone else trying to make it big by treating your page or platform like a billboard? Payscale.com reports that the average annual income for affiliate marketers in South Africa is R222 000!
Sell NFTs
We all know that NFTs are digital versions of a piece of art in a private collection. There are many controversies surrounding the selling of NFTs. It’s not the cleanest way to get your pay, but the profit is undeniable. Sarah Zucker, for instance, has made over R4million in NFT sales.
Create Google slides templates
Almost anyone can make a PowerPoint presentation. It’s not rocket science. The difference is that not everyone has the time or the inclination to do so. GraphicRiver.net has the top Google slides templates of 2021 right here, and almost every template goes for R200 a pop. Furthermore, once you have spent the initial time setting up a template, just edit one or two aspects and sell it for full price again.
Sell advice
Nobody knows everything. What you take for granted, others might be begging to know! There are many platforms where professionals will pay you by the minute for your insights. Clarity, for instance, allows you to charge R150 per minute and that’s on the lower part of the pay spectrum.
Create an online course
The online education business is an almost R107 billion market. If you have the knowledge and the skills, this might be your way to side-hustle heaven. Merely spend a few days creating a course that will bring you thousands of rands of pure profit, and you don’t even have to do any marketing. Udemy is one of the many platforms that can help you reach thousands of people with your content.
Share Your Hustle
You have the information, the resources, and the know-how. Go forth and prosper. But don’t forget to share your side hustles with us here at HOMEMAKERS by tagging us at #homemakerssa.