Psychology of Home: Self Care
The New Year has officially arrived, and most of us are relieved that 2020 is over. Anticipating a year filled with adventures and some sort of normalcy is what we all crave. We want the best for ourselves and for our loved ones – how COVID-19 brought us together will remain a beautiful story in the aftermath of one of the scariest years of our lives. Isolation made self-care a top priority and maintaining the good habits of taking care of oneself is important for a longer, happier and healthier life. Keep up with self-care in 2021 with these easy-to-implement tips and wellness advice.
Hydrate and Nap
Hydrating is the most important thing you can do if you’re feeling head-achy and generally tired. Drinking water throughout the day is a must and mornings are the best time to fill up, as you’ve deprived your body of water for up to eight hours. You can even try fresh lemon in some hot water for a quick cleanse too. Nothing works and feels better than a hydrated brain.
You can easily benefit from a quick 20-minute nap. Not getting enough sleep will leave you cranky and less alert. According to sleep expert Dr Merril Mitler, sleep services all aspects of our body, such as energy balance, intellectual function, alertness and mood.
Choose Salad or Just Order the Damn Pizza!
Obviously, the healthier you eat, the better your mind and body will function. Try meals that are low in carbs and rich in healthy fats, because you need healthy fats to supplement brain function. According to health experts, Omega 3 and saturated fats regulate hormones, therefore are vital for health and energy levels.
If it’s been one of those days, we’re gonna go ahead and say “just order a pizza”! Feel-good food is called feel-good food for a reason. Just remember that too many carbs will make you feel sluggish, so choose your timing right or you may be falling asleep at your desk or even worse, on a playdate with the kids!
Five-Minute Yoga
Some basic breathing techniques, or even just a gentle stretch, can help with tension, both physically and emotionally. Breathing helps you calm your mind and the extra oxygen helps your blood circulate more efficiently. A quick yoga session (we’re not joking when we say a five-minute salutation will do the trick) can help with general stiffness and muscle tension.
Read Your Favourite Blog
Visit the HOMEMAKERS blog for all the inspiration you need. Reading is a wonderful way to distract your mind from over-thinking. Occupy yourself with things you love and you’ll soon forget what was getting you down.
Try Something New
Trying something new does not have to be something out of character. The simple things matter in this case; instead of a cappuccino, have a vanilla latte or try a vegetarian dish at a restaurant. Taking up a new hobby is also a great way to re-connect with yourself.
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By Marion Nowak