Architecture is all around.
You might think that your home has no real architectural values or elements, but that’s not true.
Architecture is the art of connecting humans with the spaces we occupy.
It’s not just about construction, it’s about connection and function. A well-designed space invites its occupants to live, work or play freely and supports creative growth and development.
Usually, we only notice architecture when its done wrong.
A badly designed or incorporated element in any space will immediately become a blight on that space. A step that’s just the wrong angle, a doorway that’s just too narrow or a pillar that serves no purpose is one of the easiest ways to pick up on bad architecture.
It matters more than you think.
Whether you call it flow, Feng Sui or vibes, a well-designed, architecturally sound space just lives differently.
The same holds true for larger communal spaces.
We celebrate World Architecture Day on the 7th of October, and this year, the theme is: Empowering the Next Generation in Participatory Urban Design
In honour of this we have decided to look into the re-emergence of the “village square”
World Architecture Day is celebrated this year by focussing on collaborative and cross generational work, which allows younger people to have a say in how the spaces they live in should be designed.
According to the International Union of Architects, “Their active participation is essential for building cities that prioritise the well-being of residents and the planet, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.”
When we talk about generations coming together, we inevitably talk about spaces where community growth can happen. So, what better space for people to come together than a communal square?
Not as square as it sounds.
Piazza, plaza, square, village green… whatever the word, these communal spaces are as old as human cohabitation. A square (which very rarely fits a geometric square) is a hardscape where life happens. Markets, meetings, political rallies, and even things like concerts and fairs were held in open spaces where people could come together.
As people moved into single family homes and we stopped relying on each other for news and social interaction, as everything became digital and virtual, the village square and all it embodied faded into history. And we are poorer for it.
We need to bring the square back.
Communities that come together are stronger and more resilient to change or disaster. Offering or accepting help is much easier if you have some level of familiarity with the other person. This is where a village square can make a difference. We as humans are inherently wary of strangers. Unless you are the most free-loving extrovert, chances are you won’t be inviting perfect strangers to your back yard braai on a whim. However, put those same strangers together in a neutral space like a public square and suddenly defences are down and the talk flows. That equalizing factor is the real magic of a square. Creating connections between people who might have nothing else in common than where they live is the whole point of participatory urban design and why a well-designed living space matters. By getting people off their sofas and into a communal square you can build a sense of community, for the sake of community.
In the end, we are all just walking each other home.
Also read our article on improvement that increases the value of your home.