Painters on call
A good paint job will instantly transform your home from looking old and dilapidated to new and modern by adding real character and personality. Painting your home is not only for enhancement purposes, but it also acts as a defence against weather, insects and other potential threats. Regular painting is an important aspect of home maintenance to keep your property protected and to retain its market value.
When the time comes to repair and paint your home, many homeowners tend to go for the cheapest quotation which many times result in disaster and end up to be more expensive than what it should be. Painting a home is not just about attractive colours and a few paint rollers. All paint projects require knowledge, experience and skills to ensure a long-lasting finish.
It’s all in the preparation
To guarantee a long-lasting paint job, certain steps need to be taken. If these steps are not taken correctly, paint manufacturers will simply void the paint guarantee.
It is common for interior and exterior walls and ceilings to crack due to certain weather conditions. There are many types of cracks caused by various reasons and it is therefore important to investigate the source of the problem first. Once the source has been established, be it through water damage, dampness or structural fault – only then can the damage be properly fixed with the correct material and in the correct manner. Therefore intense water and damp proofing should be carried out followed by painting. If any of these steps are missed, the same or more cracks will surface not long after the completed project, leaving the project in a poorer condition, which will also be more costly.
It is also very important to use specific paints on certain textures and structures. Using the incorrect paint will shorten the length of time in which you need to renovate again. Using the correct, high- quality paint will ultimately cost you less over a period of time.
Following Precautions
It’s been a while since we could just pick up our phones and make a quick call to our local handyman. Not just because of COVID restrictions, but also because we are afraid to let people into our homes.
You can be assured that all the 0861NUTSMAN employees are equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment. Their staff have been thoroughly trained to sanitize and wash their hands frequently on the job. Team leaders ensure that all staff are monitored for COVID-19 symptoms and make sure their staff do not use public transport. You can also rest assured that all their equipment and tools are also disinfected after every job.
Did you know that 0861NUTSMAN is a vetted HOMEMAKERS supplier?
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