No-Bake Dog Treats for Little Hands
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Get Your Babies Making Treats For Your Fur-Babies
With this super easy, load shedding-proof dog treat recipe, those dark hours will pass by in two shakes of a dog’s tail.
There’s something about multitasking that just gets us feeling all positive and productive.
The worst thing about load-shedding might actually be feeling like you are allowing the hours to slip through your fingers. It always seems like you are wasting time, waiting for the lights to come back on and whishing away the wasteful empty minutes.
We’ve Come Up With A Multitasking Solution To Keep You, The Kids And Even The Dog Happy.
Let Dog Treats Treat Your Kids
Next time you get that dreaded PUSH notification, simply reach for the peanut butter and try making our no-bake, three-ingredient peanut butter dog treats.
The recipe is simple enough for small hands and tasty enough for any discerning doggy. You can actually adapt the basic recipe to deliver a whole array of different treats.
Here is our favourite one. We have it on good authority (from a four-year-old and two very spoilt fur babies) that there is joy in both the making and the eating of these!
Easy-Peasy Apple and Oat Dog Treats:
You’ll need a mixing bowl, a shallows dish, wooden spoons, a plastic tray or metal baking sheet that fits in your refrigerator, and many willing hands.
- ½ cup of apple puree. We suggest using good quality baby food that is salt and sugar-free.
- ½ cup of salt and sugar-free peanut butter.
- ¼ cup of rolled raw oats + extra for coating the rolled bites later.
- In the mixing bowl, combine the oats and apple puree and then add in the peanut butter and mix it all together.
- Scoop teaspoons full of the mixture into your hand and quickly roll it into a ball. Work fast so that your body temperature doesn’t melt the peanut butter.
- Pour some extra raw oats into the shallow dish.
- Once you have a small ball, roll it around the oats in the dish and coat it entirely before placing it on the tray or baking sheets and refrigerating for a couple of hours.
This is where kiddie hands come in “handy” and it’s great, squishy, messy fun for them to try and shape the balls and coat them in the oats. From an educational perspective, it also stimulates fine motor skills and texture awareness.
Dog Treat Variations:
Big-Yum Banana and Oat Dog Treats
Just replace the apple puree with some smashed banana (same measurements) and add a teaspoon of cinnamon. You’d be surprised to realise the health benefits that the proper amount of cinnamon can have for your doggo.
Puppy-Pumpkin and Oat Dog Treats
Jumping on the healthy cinnamon bandwagon, replace the apple or banana with some cooked pumpkin. Don’t forget the cinnamon! This is also a lovely autumn treat since it smells of falling leaves and colder mornings.
Furthermore, why not replace the oats coating with some chopped pumpkin seeds to get the theme rolling?
Dog Treat Inception
Instead of the oats or pumpkin seeds as a crunchy coating, consider crushing some of Rover’s favourite store-bought biscuits to add a fun crunch element.
A treat for the whole family
Yes, we might be grasping at straws to try and find a positive side to load shedding, but if we can teach our kids to stay positive in the face of adversity, we’ll be doing them a big favour.
Life is full of darkness, and we can only survive if we remember to switch on our own light…or light our own candle/fill up our own generator/or install our own solar panel…you get the idea!