New Homeowners Guide – Unpacking Hacks
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Congratulations! You’ve applied for, and have been lucky enough to purchase, your first home!
Now what?
There are so many little things that you need to remember, arrange and figure out before you are settled into your new home. Where would you even start?
Never fear, HOMEMAKERS is here to save you. Or, at least, just point you in the right direction regarding where to focus your attention.
Over the next 8 months, we’ll be releasing one chapter a month of our New Homeowner’s Guide to help you make the best choices on this journey.
Last month’s chapter was all about packing for success. Read it here for some critical tips.
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The Day Before
Arrange a cleaner to go over your new place the day before the move. Sure, most real estate agents make sure to have the house cleaned beforehand, but it never hurts to be thorough.
Get these same cleaners to give your old place a deep clean when everything has been moved out. We often underestimate the mess a move can leave behind.
While the cleaners are busy, move from room to room to implement your colour-coded system (refer to last week’s article for more information).
If you mark the rooms, either with colours or just plain old sticky notes on each door to indicate which room is which, everyone involved in the move will be able to place correct boxes in the corresponding areas.
If you are willing to go a bit further, mark spaces for beds, couches and other big furniture pieces that are heavy or unwieldy with masking tape so that they’re placed in the correct spots the first time. It sucks having to move a giant bureau on your own.
All packing should be finished 24 hours before the move.
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Moving Day!
The following suggestions of what to have ready to go before the truck arrives will be indispensable:
1. A small toolbox for any installations or alterations;
2. A go-bag:
Each family member should have a go-bag packed with the following:
- Moving day clothes PLUS one clean set for emergencies
- PJs for the first night
- Utensils, a cup and a plate (we’ll explain why, later)
- Toiletries
- Any prescriptions pertaining to that family member
- Chargers for their phones
3. A shared moving-day box:
This is one box / container for everything that all family members will use and includes:
- Dishwashing liquid and sponge / brush plus drying cloth
- Wet wipes
- At least one roll of toilet paper per 2 family members
- A first-aid kit
- Garbage bags
4. A cooler box:
You don’t want to worry about eating or drinking while focusing on moving, therefore include:
- At least 3 drinks per family member, not including access to clean water
- Lunch that doesn’t need warming up
- Mess-free snacks that won’t leave hands dirty
- Dinner options that are already prepared (you could also order in)
5. A plan for pets or kids:
Have a clear plan to keep pets and small children safe and busy while the move is taking place, and make sure everyone that is part of the move knows the plan.
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Unpacking Hacks:
Packing duties
Start by assigning unpacking duties to each family member.
One person should oversee the collapsing boxes and getting rid of packing materials. Young teens or tweens are a good fit for this role.
Consider keeping packing materials neat so that it can be passed on for free. This is an eco-friendly solution that will mean you don’t need to dump the packing materials.
One person to keep drinks and snacks coming. A young child or older family member will fill this role well.
Unpacking order
Everyone should unload furniture and place it into allocated spaces first, before boxes are unloaded so that boxed items can go into their correct locations.
Start unpacking the bathrooms and bedrooms.
Save the kitchen for the next day and make use of each person’s go-bag utensils instead.
Prioritise shared spaces and unpack one area together.
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Other unpacking tips
If you’re moving with kids or teens, set a deadline for room unpacking. (otherwise, it will take weeks!)
Hang curtains in the bedrooms and at least one living space before bedtime.
Avoid unpacking distractions like television, consoles and other technology before all the essential spaces are finished.
We’re excited for you about this new chapter in your life! One last suggestion is to give your contact information to your two closest neighbours. Ask for theirs in return– if any problems arise in the future, you will be able to communicate easily.