How to multitask, one gadget at a time.
Vacuum cleaner pest control.
With summer still going strong, ants, mosquitos and midges abound.
You can absolutely whack these pests with the full force of the aerosol pesticide of your choice, (we are joking, please don’t do that to the planet or yourself). Or you can suck it up. And we mean that literally. One of the most satisfying things to do to an ant nest is to sprinkle it with talcum powder and to simply pop your vacuum-cleaned pipe over the nest and suck those little suckers up. You can do the same to sticky spiderweb infestations.
The same goes for things like mosquitoes, moths and midges that usually plonk on your walls or ceilings, waiting to bother, bite or sting the moment you drop your guard. Just warn your household what you are planning to do. You don’t want them questioning your sanity if they walk in on you vacuuming the walls and ceilings…
Dishwashers are not just for dishes.
Maybe you already know this, but you don’t just have to stick to cups and spoons when it comes to running your dishwasher. In fact, this appliance is a game changer for many a hygiene problem. As long as you run it on cold, the options are endless. Anything from dog toys, to kid’s toys, plastic blocks, Lego builds that have gathered dust and even (trucker/baseball)caps and flipflops can be washed in a dishwasher. Just don’t wash it along with any food related items, ensure that the machine will be running cold, and don’t use any other soap than approved dishwasher soap.
Washing machine dreams.
Now we don’t suggest that you do this to your super expensive running shoes, or other delicate footwear, but there is no issue with washing a pile of kid’s shoes or less expensive sneakers in the washing machine. Simply double bag them in washbags or old pillowcases, remove the laces and run them through a cold wash. Dry them properly in the sun, and voila! Fresh footsies!
Tumble drier beats an iron in a pinch (a hare straightener can also help)
If you’re in a rush and you can’t spend those extra minutes ironing your shirt, a “good enough” way of getting the worst wrinkles out is to pop it into a high heat tumble dryer along with a wet washcloth, tea towel or CLEAN sock. It won’t be freshly pressed, but it also won’t be laundry pile levels of wrinkled. DO this while you shower or get ready to save on time.
Air DRY your rusks.
If you shy away from baking your own rusks because of the time and electricity that goes into drying them, look no further than your handy countertop air fryer. Simply slice your rusks and pop them into the air fryer in batches. It takes significantly less time and electricity to do it this way, even if you have to switch batches every now and then.