Lorna Maseko: A Day in The Life
International Celebrity Chef, TV Personality and Entrepreneur, Lorna Maseko has captivated audiences on stage, television and online. Having built a fabulous, powerhouse brand from the ground up, she proves that with passion, hard work and a great team anything is possible. Lorna will be sharing her story along with some tips and tricks in the Books and Banter Theatre at Johannesburg HOMEMAKERS Expo on Saturday. 2 March from 12:00. We asked “The Hostess” a few questions while she was travelling home from presenting The World Restaurant Awards in Paris this week.

Photo Courtesy of Lorna Maseko.
We know that you are always busy with different projects and business ventures. What is the most exciting project you are working on at the moment?
I’d like to think every project I’m involved in is fun. I promised myself that I would only do things and get involved in projects that I absolutely loved and I’ve been fortunate to have done that. The focus at the moment is to get my cookbook done, which is super exciting. I’m heading to Dubai for Taste of Dubai in March then Taste of London in June. So it’s a going to be a very busy year. I’m filled with gratitude and feel blessed to be doing what I love.
How do you manage to run a business and build your brand at the same time?
I think it’s about having a great team in all spheres. I work with an amazing brand team, Brand Cartel. They understand my vision and drive the engine. They weren’t lying when they said it takes a village because it does.

Having worked in different industries, why did you choose to focus your brand on being the culinary princess?
Being in a culinary space is amazing. I find cooking and hosting quite therapeutic. I love seeing people happy, eating and enjoying a meal together. I’m still a director for other companies, namely Thermoradiators, where we manufacture, supply and repair radiators. I’m also a director of Embassy Marketing Agency which all fits into my character and facets of my personality.