Lockdown Tips
We are keeping this one to the point. There are a few important things to do in certain situations during the lockdown. Here we share some important information and lockdown tips to help you through the extended lockdown in South Africa.
List any Essential Services on HOMEMAKERSonline.co.za
If you know of any lockdown services, for example, special food deliveries or an essential service provider in your community let us know. This can include plumbers, electricians, road-side assistance, grocery deliveries etc. Let them list their services on the HOMEMAKERSonline.co.za website for free. Let’s help those in need!
Contact or WhatsApp: 087 897 2402
We will connect these service providers to our extensive online community.
We connect SA in a time of need!
Who Doesn’t Love a Powerful Story of Hope?
Tell us your story of hope by sharing it on our Facebook page.
You can also email us at: info@homemakers-sa.co.za
Know the Protocol
Make sure your close friends and family know the protocol to follow should any of you fall ill. According to the Centre for Diseases Control and Prevention, if you develop emergency warning signs for CORONA VIRUS n(COVID-19) here is the 24-HOUR HOTLINE NUMBER:
0800 029 999
Emergency warning signs include*:
Trouble breathing
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion (as opposed to your old confusion?} or inability to arouse
Bluish lips or face
*This list is not all-inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.
Power Tool Maintenance (Brought to you by Vermont Sales)
Lockdown is an excellent time to service all your power tools. The best friend for your power tools both electric and cordless is a compressor or electric workshop blower, to get rid of all the dust in the motors, plus lubricate if required. All air tools also need good lubricating.
Electric Cables (Brought to you by Vermont Sales)
Laying out all your cables can also make working a lot easier and safer.
A good, neat way to keep all your electric cables and charger cables neat and tidy is to cut your old pool hoses into small 5 centimetre pieces and fold all your cables and push them into the hose. It also allows you to hang them up neatly. Small PVC pipes or garden hose will work perfectly for your smaller charger cables.