Aquatech SA is a leading Supplier of water purification equipment and solutions from the drilling of boreholes to cleaning the of the worst quality water for domestic and commercial uses. Furthermore Aquatech specializes in water backup solutions, Of Grid water solutions as well as pumps for domestic and commercial use throughout South Africa. The Company has been in the industry for more than 2 decades and have during that time completed many solutions and installations.
Aquatech strives to provide their customers with quality solutions that fit their needs and to bring the most valuable solutions and providing the best customer experience in meeting water needs through innovative products, technology and services.
Aquatech Specializes in the Supply, Design, Installation, Maintenance, Repair and Servicing
Water purification and Filtration, Backup water Solutions, Off Grid water Solutions, Water Bottling systems, Borehole Drilling, Borehole Pumps, Supply Pumps, Pressure pumps, Chemical Dosing Pumps, Water Analysis
Please can i have a quote for a home system. Three filtration process. Thank you