Keep Your Home Virus Free
Cleanliness is Godliness and that is more relevant now than ever before. COVID-19 has affected over 100-million people around the world, with many countries facing second-waves as they wait for vaccine rollouts to begin. The virus spreads through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These can be inhaled by others or it can be left on surfaces where the virus can live for days. From levelling up your handwashing stations to clean-down routines for the family here are our top tips for keeping any virus at bay.
Level Up
You are going to have to level up your hand-washing stations. Make sure you have handwash or soap handy at all your taps in and around the house. It is recommended that we wash our hands for 20 seconds with any soap. It does not have to be anti-bacterial. Supply paper towels or hand towels that can be used to dry hands off with. Have a small laundry hamper for dirty towels or a bin for used paper towels.
Make sure these handwashing stations are regularly cleaned. Keep alcohol wipes nearby to wipe faucets down regularly.
Zone In
Focus on cleaning areas that have a lot of traffic like doorknobs and handles, TV remotes, light switches etc. Make sure there is hand sanitizer in these areas. If you are using hand sanitizer, remember that it needs to have at least 60% alcohol to be effective against the Corona Virus.
It’s a good idea to double up this time around, especially after visiting the shops when having to go out of your house for other essentials. Use soap and water to clean surfaces. This removes dirt and germs but does not necessarily kill them. Preferably use a disinfectant after cleaning to kill germs.
New Routine
It’s a good idea to start a new sanitizing routine for when you or family members get home. As soon as you get home remove your shoes at the door and outer clothing close to a laundry bin so that it can go straight to the wash. After that, it is a good idea to wash hands or even jump in the shower. The Corona Virus is said to attach itself to hair and clothes as well.
Take care when carrying in your grocery bags. It is advised to remove as much packaging as you can. Wash your hands after handling anything from the grocery store.
Laundry Care
As mentioned above, you can get COVID-19 from it being on your clothes. If you may have been exposed to the virus you should wash your clothes immediately. You should choose the hottest setting that your clothes can handle and if possible give it a tumble dry afterwards.
The heat is a great friend when combatting any germ or virus. Once you have handled the laundry, it is also recommended that you follow your handwashing and sanitizing routine to ensure your hands are as clean as it can be.
Don’t forget to get the kids in on the daily routines. Let them choose a handsoap they like, sing a favourite song or cite their favourite poem for twenty seconds and make sure the basin is easy to reach if you have littles.
Find more lifestyle tips on the HOMEMAKERS Ideas page.