Joff Brings Graffiti To Port Elizabeth HOMEMAKERS Expo
Joff, Port Elizabeth’s very own graffiti artist will turn a bare wall into a local Port Elizabeth brag wall at this year’s HOMEMAKERS Expo. Get better acquainted with this street artist and the graffiti art genre.
Joff comes from a background in TV production, from animation to visual affects, so graffiti and street art was a natural progression for him. The self taught artist has been involved in street art for over 5 years now, and as his art grows, the more time he spends in his studio and less time on set.
The 33 year old is passionate about all art forms and finds himself expressing himself through street art, fine art and music. Joff’s inspiration flows from his love for music and the experiences he has had in life.
Joff sees Street Art and graffiti as an artistic expression and, most importantly, a way to beautify and bring art to the people and urban areas. “There are many building and suburbs that seem to have been forgotten about and rise and fall in terms of attention. Graffiti has been a method to add colour to some grey areas.”
As more people move to and live in the urban areas of Port Elizabeth, they start seeking creative ways to express themselves and enhance their environment. The street art trends literally starts here – on the streets in the city. Port Elizabeth is a city of change and possibility and the urban murals portray that. Joff says that it “allows people both young and old to think about alternative ways of living life. It’s something that breaks the conservative approach.”
Joff believes that graffiti can bring out the inner beauty in people’s lives. For this Port Elizabeth street artist the motivation is a desire to share art with the citizens and to brighten up the dreariness of the often run-down inner cities. “It’s been amazing to see how excited public get over street art. It’s something that gets a lot of interest and support from the public.”
Street art will always be a powerful tool for urban connection and communication. It can stop you in your tracks and make you stare – and think.
See Joff in action as he brings his art to life at the Port Elizabeth HOMEMAKERS Expo. Be there from Friday, 24 June to Sunday , 26 June to watch the live painting at the show.
Follow Joff on Facebook: www.facebook.com/joffsart