Iconic Chairs Worth Knowing About.
Beautiful places to put your bottom.
“Styles may come and go; good design is a language, not a style.”
– Massimo Vignelli.
Consider a chair:
Since the dawn of time, humans have enjoyed sitting. While there was (and still is) a certain amount of ground and floor sitting done, there is even more proof of humans choosing to sit on or in something. Whether it’s a log, a stone, an anthill or a lap, we have been placing our bums on things for centuries.
Sitting ON something is a necessary part of our everyday lives. But that doesn’t mean we give it much thought.
As with everyday architecture, which we often only notice if it is done badly, we also only give a thought to where we are sitting if the chair is lacking in some way. A well designed, comfortable and easy to use sitting spot doesn’t often make it into our conversations, even though it is such a fundamental part of our daily lives.
Think about it – car/bus/train seats, office chairs, sofas in front of TV’s, dining room chairs. Living rooms, restaurants – so much of our lives is lived in the sitting position.