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Smell is a powerful sense. Our olfactory sense is directly linked to our limbic system, allowing memories to be recalled quicker than through any other sense.
Smellscapes are when an environment is perceived not through sight, sound, or touch, but through the sense of smell.
Step one: Don’t attempt to cover or hide anything.
Air freshener sprayed over the odour of pet urine, blocked drains, or overflowing trash, just ends up smelling worse than before – you are fooling no one! Be sure to start out with a perfectly smell-free house.
Now you can start layering scents. It starts from the bottom up. Pick a vibe:
Smells like clean linen, pine, white tea, and lemon are all wonderful base notes to build on.
Here you get to embrace your whimsical side – cherry blossoms or tropical hibiscus? Fruity flavours, sweet smells like roses, strawberries, and vanilla cupcakes. When used sparingly these can add a layer of nostalgia to your home.
Leather, cinnamon, sandalwood, and spiced citrus. Particularly in the winter months, these scents can give your home an extra layer of cosiness.
Buy everything from dish soap to fabric softener along these scent lines. This will provide a base layer of similar smells throughout your household.
Once you have established your base layer you can build on it with special accents. Use a mixture of scented candles, diffusers, air purifiers, essential oil burners and even timed air freshener sprays.
For scented candles, we can’t get enough of Yankee Candle and Wood Wick candles.
Find them here: Yankee Candles And here: Woodwick.
For diffusers, we love the selection available at Millefiori.
Most of the well-known air freshener brands have a wide range of automatic air fresheners that can help you build up a signature home fragrance. These are available at all major grocery stores and are an affordable first step in your scent journey.
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For the best alternative home fragrances, visit Faithful to Nature.
Most importantly, play around with scent combinations and find your signature. Smell is a very personal thing and should reflect who you are and what your house means to you.
Always be fire safe and be aware that some people might have adverse effects due to allergies or asthma. So, provide adequate ventilation and always know – when it comes to scents, less is more!
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