Grown Up Slushies Recipies
Don’t let the heat get you down
There are few things as refreshing as an ice-cold slush puppy and a half priced Ster Kinekor movie on a hot Tuesday afternoon during the December holidays.
If you were a wild child, you might have even convinced the snack kiosk auntie to give you a Cherry/Lime mix, making you feel like a true junk food connoisseur.
Big Surprise! Slushies aren’t just movie drinks…and they are not just for kids!
We have two amazing slushy recipes to try out and serve to your overaged guests this summer.
Masterpiece of a Margarita
For those who don’t know, the perfect margarita consists of a three, two, one blend.
- Three parts tequila.
- Two parts Triple Sec (sweetened orange liqueur)
- One part freshly squeezed lime juice.
- For the classic Marg: Shake this over ice and pour into salt rimmed glasses. Garnish with a twist of lime.
While few things in life are better than a well-made Marg, we have improved upon this recipe for our summer slushy soiree.
Start off with the above ratios, but also add the following to a high-powered blender:
- About 2 parts of finely crushed ice
- Zest and juice of two extra limes
- Half a part of simple syrup.
You will need very fine crushed ice, or shaved ice. You can make this by taking normal ice cubes, crushing them in your blender, spreading them out on a tray, re-freezing them and then crushing them again with your margarita mix.
Alternatively, you can pre-blend your entire margarita mix, re-freeze it, and allow the magic of alcohol that doesn’t freeze solid to keep your drink slushy.
Pour into glasses rimmed with a mix of coarse sea salt and lime jelly powder. (it is delicious, trust us!). Serve with a spoon and a straw.
Top Tip: Not all blenders are created equally and always check the specs or yours before blending something hard like ice.
If this seems, mmm, well a bit too much work for a small drink. Check-out how to make a Margarita Pitcher!