Anything but a dry January!
Give your January a juicy boost with these green juice inspirations.
Not a Jan-Fan?
Congratulations, you have made it to the longest month in the year. We all know that January has about 31 000 days. For some reason humanity has decided to make January last even longer by creating disturbing challenges to keep us motivated as the month drags on.
It’s always been a challenging month…
It’s been called “Veganuary”, (no meat or animal products) and we’ve even been tempted with so called “Dry January”, (no alcohol)…both of which are commendable yes, but in truth very dull.
Is there a way to make January go by quicker?
Apart from maybe escaping to an island resort or choosing to hibernate for the next few weeks, the only way to get out of the January funk is to get out of January…one morning at a time.
In an attempt to make these mornings matter, and give you something to do in the evenings or over the weekend that doesn’t require money or long term commitment, lets JUICE!
Juicy January might just be the best thing yet.
You’ll need:
A juicer
DON’T go out and buy one if you don’t already own one. Juicers are basically the extra length ladders/hedge clippers or pressure washers of the kitchen. Someone in your group already has one and is probably not using it right now. Simply ask around.
A sense of humour.
Yeah – you are going to be juicing suggestively-shaped veggies, and the results of your juicing might look and smell like horror movie props. Imagine juiced beetroot and pomegranate…that’s some CSI stuff right there!
An adventurous pallet
Believe it or not, but juiced fresh green beans and sage go brilliantly with lime and turmeric…We kid you not! The whole point of this challenge is to give you something new to look forward to each day. Who wants orange juice when you can have a blend of carrot, garlic, kale and comfrey instead?
A bit of commitment.
It is up to you to ensure you don’t waste ingredients. If you gag at the thought of celery, just remember, juicing it doesn’t make it taste any better. Know your own limitations, ok?
Seed trays and small planter boxes
This is where the fun starts – and it can continue all through year, once you’ve made it past January. The great thing about juicing, is that you really can chuck nearly anything into it. That is why having a fresh stock of home-grown herbs and greens makes this whole thing so rewarding.
We love the idea of keeping your mint, basil and wheatgrass on hand in your kitchen and snipping of fresh sprigs to add to your daily juice. All three of these herbs taste great, grow quickly and have major health benefits. Basil- and mint plants can be bought at any grocery store or nursery, are super cheap and will last perfectly on your kitchen windowsill as you juice your way through January.
The grass is always greener where you grow it.
Wheatgrass is less readily available, but there are benefits to growing your own, The grass is a true powerhouse of vitamins and the OG superfood. Although you can buy freeze dried green powder to add to your juice, it is a much cooler conversation starter to have a little lawn of it sitting on your kitchen counter, ready for harvest…You can even drop the line that: “Wheatgrass is liquid sunshine! It’s basically pure chlorophyl which helps your body’s immune system.”
How to grow your own wheatgrass
Not jumping on the Juice train just yet?
Juicing your way through January is a great way to experience new flavours, give yourself a much-needed health boost without having to go to the extremes of Veganuary or Dry January, and doing something a little bit frivolous and a little bit harmless as we enter the second quarter of the 21st century. (it’s the perfect amount of silly for after the silly season.)
Here are our favourite super packed juice recipes:
Juice recipes for gut health and inflammation
Top Tip:
Things that juice well: Apples, cucumbers, leafy greens, the opinions of others.
Things that don’t juice well: Avocados, potatoes; your own hopes and dreams.