Forest Mural DIY
Cape HOMEMAKERS Exhibitor, Paint & Decor DIY share this step-by-step wall mural tutorial designed to bring the colours of the forest into your bedroom. Get creative!
What you need:
- Wall paint in at least three colours. We chose Rockwood, Dekriet and Mossy Paths from our eco-friendly, hypoallergenic wall paint range.
- Newspaper / Plastic shopping bag
- Paintbrush & Roller
- Water
- Leaf Stencils
Paint the entire wall one solid colour. We chose Rockwood.
Crumple a piece of newspaper or a clean plastic bag – you will use this to create your texture/foliage illusion on the wall (This method is called frottage).
Water down some of the paint that will be painted over your base coat. Our base coat on the wall is Rockwood. We started with the colour Mossy Paths.
Paint a section as big as your newspaper or plastic bag.
Before the the paint dries quickly press your plastic bag or crumpled newspaper – that you have opened up and flattened out – on the section of the wall where you have applied the watery paint.
Repeat the process of watering down your paint colours, painting it on the wall in sections that are as big as your plastic bag/newspaper.
Do this with both wall colours you chose to go over your base colour. We chose DEKRIET and MOSSY PATHS to be painted over ROCKWOOD.
Add some leafy stencils over your frottaged wall to add to a foresty feel.
Try to let the leaves fall in all different directions and focus on stenciling light colours over dark areas of wall, and dark leaves over light areas of the wall.
And there you have it!
Your very own frottage, forest feel decorative wall.
Keep an eye out for more DIY tips from Paint & Decor DIY. Visit them at www.paintdecordiy.com and stop by their stand at the Cape Town HOMEMAKERS Expo.