Flowers to Grow in Summer
We spend a lot of time during the year preparing our gardens for summer. It is a time of year when we can fully enjoy all the hard work we put in and the benefits always outweigh the not-so-fun gardening jobs we sometimes have to do. Flowers add a beautiful pop of colour to your garden and we share a few of our favourite flowers to grow in summer.
The Forget-Me-Not is a gorgeous plant that produces tiny azure-blue flowers. It can grow to 20cm tall and 15cm wide, and can be grown in full sun or semi-shade.
Forget-Me-Nots are easy to grow and they will bloom profusely in shady areas, and do not require a lot of attention. They prefer shade but will do well in the sun too. They grow well in average soils but the soil should be kept moist for the perfect garden-bouquet.
Marigolds are available in all shapes and sizes and come in a wide variety of colours. You can plant Marigolds in shades of orange, yellow and gold. They also come in shades of maroon and red. In addition to the cheerfulness of Marigolds, they also attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, that prey on garden pests.
Cup Flowers
The cup flower grows into a graceful, spreading mound which produces thin, five-petal flowers in shades of purple, blue and white. Each flower has a deep purple centre which flowers throughout summer and into autumn.
Nierembergia cup flowers work well along a garden path or border. This summer bloomer really shines in a container or hanging basket, which allows the flowers and feathery foliage to trail over the side of the container.
There are both dwarf and tall strains of sunflowers. Sunflowers are available in shades of golden-yellow, lemon-yellow, orange, and red. The taller garden varieties vary in height from 1.2 to 3m tall and the dwarf varieties can grow to be anything from 30 to 60cm tall.
They’ll grow in pretty much any soil type but appreciate a well-worked bed and a generous helping of compost. Sunflowers always look welcoming and are one of our favourite flowers to grow in summer.
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