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Finding The Value in Traditional Values

Join us as we find the value in traditional values and use it to fix a broken society.
The world is not in a happy place. On average more than half of people polled, by various institutions and research organizations are increasingly unhappy and feel like things won’t be getting better anytime soon.
Let’s be honest. The past two years have been isolating, traumatising and for some, downright terrifying. But you know what? There is still hope. Now, more than ever we get to decide how we want to rebuild society.
What went wrong?
As humans, but in particular as South Africans, we have stepped away from traditional values. Even just the phrase makes us feel uneasy. “Traditional” has become a swear word. Meaning stifling, backwards, stuck in the past…
But what if we reclaim “traditional values”?
What if “Traditional” is freed from the constraints of how previous generations used it. What if by “Traditional” we simply mean – the kinder, more humane, way. A way of doing things that is less concerned with hurling opinions around, or resisting change and more concerned with reaching out a hand to those who have fallen.
What are “South African Traditional Values” even?
There is no set list of “Traditional South African Values”. (Just like we don’t have just one language, one national dish or one style of music.) You just can’t contain the rainbow nation and all our vibrancy in a single finite list. What we do have is an amalgamation of values that find resonance across all our cultures.
Traditional Value: Honesty
We all dislike liars and we have communal hate for the corrupt politicians stealing our country from us. So why do we insist on lying to each other? Being duplicitous? Maybe a return to truthfulness should be the first value we challenge ourselves with.
Traditional Value: Hospitality
It’s simple. Let’s just try to be lekker, ok? Restrictions on social gatherings have been lifted, so gooi that braai, invite that neighbour, schedule the playdate. Just be a nice human, and revel in having others around you.
Yes, you’ll have dishes to do, but guess what? You’ll have made new memories as well.
Traditional Value: Generosity of spirit
As of June 23, we no longer have to wear masks indoors. Imagine that! When was the last time you saw a stranger’s chin? Mouth? Now is the time to spread generosity around like Nutella. This is the easiest traditional value to integrate. Be wildly generous with your smiles! Make eye contact with each cashier and car guard, and smile, even if it’s crooked! Times are tough, yes, but you can be generous with your good vibes without costing a cent.
Traditional Value: Loyalty
Loyalty to yourself. Your tribe, your co-workers. This means taking pride in who you are and where you come from, but instead of feeling superior, it should make you feel responsible. For how people see you, and what opinions they will form about what you represent. Loyalty means not letting down the team. You can apply this traditional value just by supporting iDiski!
Traditional Value: Solidarity
If Covid thought us one thing, it is the importance of being part of something. We felt a little less lonely when we saw news footage of people around the world facing the same struggles as us. Even in grief, we were comforted by the solidarity of a world that was mourning with us. Let’s hold on to that feeling and embrace togetherness as often as possible.
The world has a long road ahead of it. We need to rebuild what the pandemic stole from us. We need to decide on our way forward. We need to be kinder to each other. We need to be kinder to ourselves.
“Traditional” values can help us on this journey.
“The only time you look in your neighbour’s bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don’t look in your neighbour’s bowl to see if you have as much as them.”