Listen to Comfort A Pet During Fireworks in Sotho:
Listen to Comfort A Pet During Fireworks in Sotho:
The healthy human ear can hear sounds from around 64 Hz up to about 23 kHz. The average dog’s range is approximately 67 Hz to 45 kHz, with cats’ ranging higher at 45 Hz to 64 kHz.
If the sound of fireworks makes you want to slap your hands over your ears – imagine how terrifying it must be for your fur children. And they don’t even have the luxury of blocking their ears.
So, what is a responsible pet owner to do?
Since most festivals or occasions that call for fireworks are annual events, you should not be surprised when the crackers start going off. This means that you can prepare your pet, yourself and your home well in advance.
Create a space for your pet that they know is safe well before the fireworks start. This space can also come in handy for other events in which your pet might need a bit more comfort.
This safe space should be far enough away from the main living area of your house so that raised voices don’t exacerbate the issue, but close enough that your pet doesn’t feel isolated and alone.
The space should be filled with toys and hiding spots – such as under furniture or in a crate covered with blankets. Do not keep your pet confined to this space, since feeling trapped will make their situation worse.
If your fur baby is a dog or a cat, there is a chance that they might get out of the safety of your home or yard due to fright. Make sure that your home and garden area is as safe against escape as possible.
Walk your dog before the fireworks start or play vigorously with your pet to get some energy out. Pent-up energy will only contribute to an increased adrenaline level when the noise starts.
If the worst happens and your pet does get out, it’s good to ensure that it can be returned to you as easily as possible. Other than microchipping your pet, there are also tracking devices on the market to help you locate them.
There are a few things you can do to make sure your pet stays safe during fireworks.
Don’t underestimate how much a pet can pick up from their humans. Keep yourself calm, don’t be too loud when speaking and make sure to be available when your pet decides to leave their safe space in search of reassurance. You can also pet your dog or cat in long, firm strokes if they do decide to join the family from out of their hiding place.
Important – don’t try and coax your pet out of their safe space. Allow them to hide as much as they need, and to come to you if they so wish.
There are over-the-counter calming treats or chews that you can give your pets to make them a little more at ease during the noise of fireworks. If your pet is known to be especially nervous, you can even consider pheromone diffusers wherever your pet might find itself.
There are also anxiety vests or thunder vests that can calm your dog during this time.
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Play whatever media you usually enjoy while the fireworks take place. This will make your pet feel more at ease since it is a noise that they are familiar with. There are songs or tracks that have been shown to have a calming effect on dogs.
Also, consider closing all of the curtains in the area your pet might find refuge to make sure that light and even a bit of sound are dampened.
If your pet did not have the best time this time around, consider sound therapy or other training to prepare them for the next firework season.
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