Will Your Home Be Alone This Holiday?
Bust the homecoming blues by prepping your home before you go. Not everyone can afford or feels comfortable with the idea of a house sitter. Here’s a quick check list to ensure that you leave your home as prepared as possible for any onslaughts while you are on holiday. You’ll thank us later! 1. Water and plumbing: Remove or open all bath and basin plugs. This will...Read More
New Homeowners Guide – Home Security Concerns And Upgrades
Are you sure that home security systems are registered members of SAIDSA? This is the only way to ensure that they are up to standard. Read More
Architecture, Building & Renovations, Damp, Waterproofing & Roof Repairs, Fireplaces & Heaters, Gutters, Downpipes & Fascias, Home, Security & Related
Home Safety Resolutions to Keep Your Family Protected
Resolving to be better and do better this year is commendable. It, unfortunately, often lacks the focus and direction to really reflect what should be improved upon and what is just a reaction to societal pressure. Lose weight and exercise? Yes, those are good ideas if you are doing it to improve your health so that you can be the best version of yourself for your family. More often...Read More
Home Security for the Holidays
December is called silly season for a reason. There has been a marked uptake in housebreakings over the festive season, over the last couple of years. Housebreakings in South Africa has increased with nearly 200 000 incidents as measured from 2018/2019 compared to 2019/2020. Home Security for the holidays is really important. Housebreaking is different from a house robbery in that it...Read More
Improve Your Security at Home
Security plays an important role in the homeowners’ life and luckily security has come a long way in making it as convenient as possible to control and access. From digital security cameras to remote-controlled locks, many home security systems are automated and controlled via an app on your phone. For those going away, this may add some peace of mind. There are, however, a few easy...Read More
Why you Need CCTV
South African citizens are spending more on private security than ever before as protecting our families and businesses is a top priority for most of us. One of the most effective ways for early warning and detection systems is CCTV camera installations. Deter Criminals The number one benefit of a CCTV system installation is the deterring of criminals. Various studies have shown a...Read More
Elegant Security Shutters
Options for making your home secure are constantly evolving to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Security shutters offer peace of mind, style, and a great opportunity to update your security with an option that matches your décor style. Here are three perks to investing in security shutters as part of your home security system. Security and Style Aluminium security shutters...Read More
Closing the door on poor security
Security is a pretty big deal in South Africa and doors, walls, windows and gates are what stand between you and the outside world. Read More
3 Spaces to protect with Xpanda Security
Xpanda Security have been securing South African homes for 45 years. Since starting production of specialised security barriers in 1974, they have grown to offer the widest and most comprehensive range of anti-burglar protection in the country. Read More