Cleaning Up After Christmas
Set yourself up for a speedy festive cleanup There is nothing like the chaos of a post-present swop living room. Bits of discarded sticky tape stuck to the soles of your feet, snippets of ribbon just waiting for the cat or the toddler to swallow and send you to the vet or hospital and mounds of torn wrapping paper…it’s a wonderful mess of memories and mayhem....Read More
Laidback Summer Gardening
Skip The Mower, Aim for the Meadow. “I chanced upon a bluebell glade as I strolled in the glen. A field of dreams before me lay. I stopped a while, and then…” No epic retelling of an exciting night ever starts with: “So, we were drinking some fruit juice…” The same goes for stories about relaxing afternoons spent outside. Nobody says: “…then we stepped out...Read More
Four things to do to live greener
Learn to love the planet, sustainably. Storytime: I grew up in a tight knit conservative community in Pretoria east. Everyone knew everyone, our neighbour was my maths teacher and across the road from us lived the headmaster. In the middle 90’s, along with the fear about the hole in the ozone layer, recycling caught on in this community. We had the big orange...Read More
Upcycle your style
Upcycling saves the planet, and your budget. We have been told that the way to save the planet is to “Reduce, re-use, recycle”… Most of us listened and now have bins for tins, glass and paper, we compost, we have way too many reusable shopping bags (sitting uselessly in a cupboard at home or in your car boot) and we feel super guilty when we buy single use plastics....Read More
Come Thrift With Me
Thrifting has become an integral part of our lives in the 21st century. With inflation booming, and pollution rising, it’s not only a way to get bang for your buck, but to also stop the trend of fast-fashion and over-consumption. In this article, I’ll take you through the journey of thrifting a 100% unique gallery wall to add colour and interest to your home! When my...Read More
What To Do With Christmas Gifts You Just Can’t Use
It’s better to give than to receive, especially if the gift misses the mark ever so slightly. Your well-meaning Gogo might remember you liking lizards in primary school and decide that giving you a set of four, neon-coloured lizard-shaped bowls was just the ticket as a Christmas gift. Or, maybe with this year’s Secret Santa exchange at the office your ‘Santa’ thought you would love two...Read More
Bokashi Who?
We waste a lot of food. In South Africa, 10 million tons of food goes to waste every year. Fruits, vegetables and cereals account for 70 per cent of the wastage and loss which occurs early in the processing chain. Almost half of the fruit and vegetables supplied will be lost before it even reaches the supermarket shelves. According to the World Wide Fund for Nature‘s (WWF)...Read More
The Journey of the Tiny Hero Home
The story of four friends taking on a big journey of a rather small proportion! Rent, bonds and unsustainable lifestyles – this is what friends Jaydon Meidlinger, Dita Schoeman, Marisa Visicale and Carla Cronje are seeking to leave behind by building their own tiny homes. Homemakers visited Marisa as she was preparing the Tiny Hero Home for the journey from Johannesburg to a farm...Read More
Simple DIY with Elle Upcycle: Cutlery Holder
Do you want to use the time during lockdown to add a personal touch to your home? We asked DIY queen, Elle Franco (DIY with Elle) to share one of her projects. (more…) Read More