Flies in the ointment
Get the bugging buzzy beasts who ruin your braai to back off. Beasts abound! With the wacky weather of the past two months, we have an abundance of bugs all over the country, living their best life while ruining ours. Flies, mosquitos and midges seem to be invading our garden sanctuaries more than previous seasons, and its starting to bug us. What about basic bug...Read More
Bamboo – not the black sheep of the garden
Bamboo is exactly as advertised Bamboo has found a following among eco conscious consumers. Everything from salad bowls to toothbrushes and underwear is being made from it. But is it sustainable? Or is it just more greenwashing? The science is out! Bamboo really is the magical cure–all it claims to be. The best time to plant bamboo was ten years ago. The...Read More
Couples retreats
Make some “US’ time and get your love on this month. JanuWorry is over, and (hopefully) your debit orders all went off. Now its time to get into the swing of the new year – shake off the lingering memories of an all too short summer vacation and get ready for 2023. But wait! First you have to celebrate the month of LOVE in February…(Oh, poor you!) Whether you...Read More
Smash that garden gnome!
Celebrate your “Owniversary” by dealing with your peeves. Dear homeowner, It’s been a year since you took the plunge and bought your own place. It’s not too late to “smash the garden gnome”! Let me tell you a story: Upon hearing that I had bought my own home, my granny (a sassy lady born in the 1920’s) looked me straight in the eye and said: “Don’t forget to...Read More
Manage your menagerie
How understanding the Chinese lunar zodiac can help you achieve peace in your interpersonal relationships. What is the Chinese Zodiac? “The Chinese zodiac, or Sheng Xiao (生肖), is a repeating 12-year cycle of animal signs and their ascribed attributes, based on the lunar calendar. In order, the zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat,...Read More
The new nostalgia is naughty AND nice
Decorate like your granny and join the embroidery and ceramic art revolution A stitch in time… The art of embroidery has a long history reaching back to some of the very first creations of ancient humans. Bone needles and threads have been used for thousands of years to adorn all manner of fabrics. Our ancestors used it to express their creativity, give an item...Read More
New Homeowners Guide – Unpacking Hacks
Read one chapter a month of our New Homeowner’s Guide to help you on this journey. This month – unpacking hacks. Read More
New Homeowners Guide – Packing Hacks
Over the next 10 months read one chapter a month of our New Homeowner’s Guide to help you make the best choices on this journey. Read More
Plaster vs Face Brick
Since most SA homes were built by the Third Little Pig, we are pretty much stuck with a choice between Face Brick and Plastered walls. Read More