Support a worthy cause as winter approaches
Support a worthy cause as winter approaches Give a helping hand to warm someone else’s heart It’s almost wintertime! For many of us this means looking forward to lazy nights, hearty meals and scarf-and-sweater weather, but it is a whole different ballgame for many South Africans. The stats don’t lie and according to a report by the World Bank, done in...Read More
How to Celebrate being Solo
How to celebrate being solo Being self-partnered can be a wonderful thing Seasons of change Life is full of seasons. Some are times of growth, and some are meant for rest. However, all your seasons are valuable, necessary and worth celebrating. So, you find yourself living alone? Disclaimer: There are many reasons why people live alone, all of them are personal and...Read More
Why You Should Consider Going Vegan.
Decided it’s time for a lifestyle change? Here’s why you should consider going vegan. There’s plenty of good to be said about reducing our meat consumption. Not only is it beneficial for the planet, but it’s also great for your health—and even your pocket. As with most things in life, you can either dive straight in and go cold turkey (pardon the pun) or ease...Read More
Ditch the Self-loathing
Ditch the self-loathing! We will always love you. New year, new guilt? Did you just yell at your kids, eat carbs, hit snooze or skip gym? We have news for you: That simply means you are human! It has been a couple of crazy weeks since the start of the new year and as school and work pick up the inevitable speed of 2025, you might have slipped a bit when it comes to...Read More
Plan for your week
Plan for your week 5 ways to make the most of your Sunday Banish blue Mondays by having good Sundays. New beginnings need new habits As exciting as the new year can be, there is a certain stressful glumness that creeps in as the sun sets on a Sunday and the reality of yet another Monday becomes inevitable. Whether you have children, work remotely or have to brave...Read More
The Magic of a Slow Life
The magic of a slow life Leaning out can help you jump back in. There is grace in knowing when NOT to do something. I know everyone feels this way, BUT: Is it really December already?! I feel like this year needs three extra months just so that I can try and get my affairs in order! How to talk yourself into a “staycation” Storytime: I do not like people. There is a...Read More
Sleep Yourself Happy!
Establish a good sleep routine for the last stretch of this year. The big sleep secret. Sleeping habits differ about as much as eating habits do, and as with eating habits, different doesn’t have to mean wrong. Sleep is an essential part of survival (and thriving) for human beings, but it means something different to all of us. Some people may consider a five-hour...Read More
How to Celebrate the Magic of Friendship Day.
The true value or friendship “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” Celebrate Friendship Day. C.S. Lewis Celebrate friendship. 30 July is International Friendship Day, and we think it is worth celebrating! Be friends with your space You can’t pour from an empty vessel – you...Read More
Macros vs Micros
We break down the science behind Macro and Micro-nutrients. What is on the menu? Raw, paleo, keto, plant based, good fats, bad fats, ethical eating, farm to table…The world of dietary advice is more confusing than ever. While diets, dietary choices and our relationships with food is fraught with emotional and cultural influences, the question remains: “What should I...Read More