How do the seasons influence us? And what can we do to embrace it?
Updating your head, one season at a time. Times change We all have some memory of the first time you realised that seasons change and time goes on. When you started keeping track of when the Christmas holidays were, what time of year your birthday was and what the trees looked like when it was time to wear your winter school uniform. These all seem like small changes...Read More
The Ultimate Renter-Friendly Home Renovations
10 Hacks to Transform Your Space The rules and requirements of a landlord are often vastly different from one to the next. However, for the most part, it can be assumed that you’re not really allowed to do anything permanent to your rental. Unless you want to forfeit your deposit. Luckily, you don’t have to be limited to the confines of a lease agreement to spruce...Read More
Appreciating Vintage: A Guide to Refurbishing Your Furniture
Furniture Flipping You may have come across the trend of furniture flipping. You see a DIY influencers head to their local second-hand store, seek out an antiquated object in need of a bit of love, and then, at home, apply a quick layer of chalk paint. Mark up the price and resell it to you as a “refurbished vintage piece.” Often, in this process, the...Read More
Show your true colours
How to make your home World Cup worthy without sacrificing style Go big with the green and gold. (We only get to do it once every four years.) Are you into the Springboks in the Rugby World Cup, but not like into it? Then this is for you. We have come up with a couple of easy, scalable and customizable decorating tips to embrace the Rugby World Cup season without...Read More
Sort out your (kid’s) stuff
How to organize your kid’s room How to deal with the mess of having children without: Becoming a shouty parent, and Revamping your guest room into a playroom and spending more money than is good for you? Kids seem to generate chaos. All through their first year you fight against buying plastic toys, you limit birthday gifts and keep on telling...Read More
Upcycle your style
Upcycling saves the planet, and your budget. We have been told that the way to save the planet is to “Reduce, re-use, recycle”… Most of us listened and now have bins for tins, glass and paper, we compost, we have way too many reusable shopping bags (sitting uselessly in a cupboard at home or in your car boot) and we feel super guilty when we buy single use plastics....Read More
Come Thrift With Me
Thrifting has become an integral part of our lives in the 21st century. With inflation booming, and pollution rising, it’s not only a way to get bang for your buck, but to also stop the trend of fast-fashion and over-consumption. In this article, I’ll take you through the journey of thrifting a 100% unique gallery wall to add colour and interest to your home! When my...Read More
Covetable closets. Bespoke wardrobes to make you swoon.
You don’t have to be a fashionista to feel fabulous in these wardrobes! Give yourself some main character energy. Ever since we were little movies and television told us that a luxury closet was a staple for any main character. No leading man, or lady, ever had to deal with an overstuffed built in cupboard with mismatched hangers and no shoe storage… To be the star...Read More
Who makes the rules anyway?
It’s your kitchen, you can cry (rip out the cupboards) if you want to! The world loves boxes. Neat, organized, squared away boxes. Whether to live in, or to place other people in. Inside the box is the comfort zone, and the sturdy corrugated carboard sides keeps the unknown and the unruly out. Until one day, it doesn’t. Story time: I moved into a new house as a very...Read More