Mom deserves more this Mother’s day
We found some unique local spoils to make mom’s day extra special. Mothers deserve more than macaroni necklaces and wax-crayon cards. That being said, there are other things that mom’s want… We keep on hearing that every child is different and unique, but guess what? So are moms! That flowery pink hand lotion and soap pre-packed prezzie you get from the shelf at...Read More
Master Your Bedroom – Side Tables
Don’t neglect your side piece. Bedside tables deserve more attention from us. A nightstand is a piece of furniture we rarely think about. Like salt on your steak, you only really notice it when it’s not there…It does such a thankless job, and we think its time for this neglected side piece to be given some main character love. Let’s talk about what...Read More
Master Your Bedroom – Me-Zone
Hurkle-durkle in your happy place! Make your bedroom your me-zone. Don’t get up just yet. There is a difference between hitting snooze and turning over for that second nap, and waking up on time, but not getting up. There is a word for this…it’s called “Hurkle-Durkle” and its lovely. Although most human beings can see the magic in this, the word originated in...Read More
Master Your Bedroom – Headboards
Why a headboard is an excellent place to start. Make your bedroom dreams come true A good night’s sleep begins during the day. To truly transform your “good enough” bedroom into your “better than ever” happy place, you’ll simply have to follow our guidelines. Let’s start at the top. (of the bed) Beds have come a long way. No, were not doing a deep dive into...Read More
Less is better than bad.
What is making my house look cheap? Keeping up with the jones’s (or Kardashians if we are honest) has always been a social burden and often times our desperate attempts to “upgrade” our homes, come back to bite us on the bum. Here are some of the decorating faux pas you should avoid if you want to really, sustainably up your home décor game and skip the cheap....Read More
Can Kitsch Be Cool?
There’s a Yiddish word for it… “Tchotchke” Meaning something inexpensive or frivolous. Also known as Trinkets, Bric-a-brac or simply clutter. Whatever you choose to call it, every home has some version of it. You know what we are talking about – the decorative teaspoons on their own little mount, the Kruger National Park shot glass, the little porcelain house, or...Read More
Set the mood for hibernation.
A comprehensive guide to essential creature comforts. It’s (finally) cooling down! Winter is finally upon us. This was a long, hot summer in the worst sense of the word, and although many parts of the country did not get the rain it might be used to, at least the temperatures have mellowed out a bit. There is nothing like crisp Autumn morning to get you in the...Read More
Still on the fence about air frying?
Asking yourself… “Should I get an air fryer?” If you’ve held out on the whole air fryer craze, this might change your mind. There are many reasons NOT to buy an air fryer. It’s weird to have a ugly robot humming like a vacuum cleaner and taking up counter space. Yes, air fryers aren’t really pretty, and they are loud…No denying that. Despite what...Read More
Be the homecoming queen! (or King)
Create an effective homecoming routine at the start of the new school year. You might not like it, but we all know that there is merit in routine. You feel better when you stick to a regular sleeping schedule, you work better if you have a daily/weekly/monthly to do list and programme… We are not saying some unscheduled days are wrong, but if you permanently...Read More