Annual Home Renovation Checklist
Have a plan for long term home maintenance.
Ok, you have done the spring cleaning, the after Christmas de-clutter. The only possessions left in your home all “Spark Joy”…so what next?
Firstly, super proud of you! (And no, we are NOT being sarcastic – starting the new year with a fresh home is a wonderful thing.)
Secondly: Now you can focus on your longer-term Homemaking checklist.
There are a number of things that you can get away with only doing annually or biannually. These include:
Checking window putty
Be honest – when last did you do this? Putty, while durable doesn’t last forever, and the elements or even sneaky birds can do a number on your windows if you don’t stay on top of it. Pests steal putty for nests and windowpanes that aren’t securely in their frames are more prone to cracking or even breaking out completely.
Oiling gate- and door hinges
This is about more than the annoying noise – creaky hinges mean that there is metal on metal corrosion taking place. Keeping your door and gate hinges well lubricated will protect them and extend their lifetime.
Servicing gate motors/swimming pool pumps and other outdoor appliances
This will depend on the type, age and warranty of whatever appliances you have but it is never a bad idea to be up to date on how to maintain and service them.
Trimming large overhanging trees (not just pruning plants)
This is an important safety issue and shouldn’t be ignored. Get professionals to help you safely trim trees that overhang boundary fences, buildings or communal spaces.
Doing a foundation and crack check
Cracks can sneak up on you – so make yourself a cup of coffee and walk around your entire home, indoors as well as outside. Check high and low for any signs of structural damage and if you spot something, get it looked at immediately.
Checking warranties on big household appliances
As with outdoor appliances, its worth staying up to date with the indoors appliances as well. Anything that cost more than a 10th of your monthly household income, deserves to be looked after properly.
Going through your house content and building insurance
We have spoken about this before, but it’s worth a reminder. Check that you are sufficiently covered without being over-insured and paying more than you should.
Checking palisades, fences, garage doors, car ports and other outdoor metal structures for signs of rust damage or fatigue.
This is obvious really -especially after the crazy rain and winds we have had across the country these past few months. Check, fix if needed and save in the long run.
Getting into your ceiling crawlspace
Inspect the insulation, waterproofing and electrical wiring – if you don’t feel up to this, its worth getting a professional to make sure everything is in order and up to spec.
This is one of those win-win situations.
If you go through this checklist, and find nothing wrong with your space, Hoorah! You can rest assured that your house is in order and relax until next January. If you find anything amiss, chances are you’ve caught it early and it won’t be a huge issue and expense to sort it out.
You’re welcome
Also read our article on how to approach roof repairs.