To do list as autumn approaches
Put in the work in Autumns and reap the benefits in Spring!
Anyone who has tried their hand at gardening knows that, much like raising children, raising plants is a never ending process. Just when you think you’ve got it, the season changes.
We decided to come up with a basic list of pre-autumn garden tasks that will make it easier for your thumbs to stay green as the weather gets colder.
Do the groundwork
Mulch, compost, feed, water and aerate…prepare your soil for the lean months and ensure that your plants are well fed as they go into that state of semi-hibernation in the colder months
Dream of spring
Treat yourself to a garden bursting with life and colour in spring by planting your spring-flowering bulbs in autumn. Many of these bulbs rely on cold temperatures to germinate, and need a frosty winter to bloom in spring.
A guide to growing bulbs: Plant your winter garden.
Top Tip: These bulbs will start appearing on your shelves and in your garden centres around late February and March. HOWEVER: planting them too early will hamper their growth as it could still be far to hot. It is best to wait for the true autumn chill to set in before popping them in the ground.
Think about the weather
Winter is the dry season for inland South Africa, so if you have plants that you planted late in Summer, or that require a lot of water, now is the time to see that they get enough water to last through the dry months. Keep your eye on the weather forecast and rain predictions and ensure that they well-watered until the temperature drops. This will allow most plants to establish good root systems, that will carry them through winter.
Set some goals
Winter gardens aren’t as much work as a garden experiencing the hight of the summer rainy season, but that doesn’t mean you get to relax completely. Winter is a great time to remove dead plants or plants showing signs of disease and pests, and it is the perfect time to get your weed situation under control.
Just like with your intentional plants, weed growth usually slows down or stagnates in winter, allowing you to get in there and eradicate every last unwanted bossie.
Prepare for the late winter hard work that’s coming
Fruit trees, and roses will need to be pruned in late winter, which means that you will have to make a note of this and get your tools, pruning diagrams and growth plans in place. Shrubs like Lavander also need a good pruning to avoid excessive woody growth. Deadhead any spent flowers now.
To some hardscaping (or just POTter about)
Hardscaping, aka Landscaping without plants is a great thing to do in winter. The days aren’t as hot, so manual labour isn’t as taxing, and a well hardscaped garden can be a delight for the eyes, even if nothing else is really growing or blooming. Rockeries, new garden paths, water features and outdoor lighting are all wonderful ways to update your garden,
Not in the mood to lug around pavers and bags of gravel? Outdoor potted plants are another great way to add life to your garden in the colder months. These plants wont experience the ground freeze of destructive fros of your garden bed plants, and should a cold front be predicted, you can easily and temporarily move them into shelter.
This list is not exhaustive, but that also means it won’t be exhausting! Yes, there is so much more you can do for your garden before autumn, but this is a great start!
For more to do right now, see what the experts say:
A South African guide to winter gardening
7 Tips to start a winter garden.
A comprehensive guide to winter gardening (lots of container gardening content)
Also read our article on how to landscape with gravel.