Reinvent Kids Parties
Let’s get back to basics.
Lean out and relax
Anyone who has spent any amount of time with a child will tell you – you can give them the most elaborate gift, or cook the most amazing meal, plan the most exciting day out…and the average kid will end up playing with the box the gift came in, asking for buttered toast and rooibos tea, and insist on playing with the rocks in the parking lot garden.
That’s just the way their little brains work, and we as grown-ups would do well to embrace their simplistic world view.
Kids parties have gotten C.R.A.Z.Y
There is no denying that kids are a blessing worth celebrating, and we are not out to judge parents for wanting to give their kids the best.
BUT: Does your five-year-old really need a catered party at a prestigious venue, a three-tier cake, a clown, a petting zoo, a jumping caste, balloon arch and R500 gift bags for each guest? We think not.
Remember – kids will play with the box.
Kids parties used to be simple things. A sheet cake with astros and sprinkles, bowls of Nik-Naks and pink and white marshmallows, Oros on tap, and maybe some sour worms if the mom was fancy. Drop off and go, two hours max, and if there was a party game it was something basic like pin-the-tail-on-the-warthog or Duck-Duck-Goose.
These days, they have morphed into whole day events at specialized venues with parents, older siblings, balloon arches and booze.
Now we love a good social outing, but we miss the Nik-Naks.
Why not be a trendsetter and lean out next time you have a birthday? We want to normalize the at-home, laid back party again. You spend a lot of time and money making your house your happy place, so why not use the space you have?
How do you do this?
Limit your guestlist
You don’t have to invite the whole daycare. Really. Be the parent who breaks that cycle and choose a smaller party. To keep kids from feeling left out, send e-vites via WhatsApp instead of inviting the kids themselves at school, and host a small class party with a cupcake or party bag (remember the Nik-Naks!) for each chomie.
Set a time
It should be perfectly fine to say, for example: “Join us from 14h00 till 17h00”. Not only will this indicate which kind of food might be served (come after lunch, leave before dinner), but people can plan their day accordingly, and you’ll skip the post party sugar crash melt down for the younger guests. It might feel strange the first time you do this but wait and see, the next invite you get, might just include a time limit all of a sudden! Be the trendsetter – the other moms will love you for it!
Kids don’t have to be entertained 24/7. If the weather is good, and there is a patch of garden, leave them to their own devices mostly. Because your party isn’t planned to last indefinitely, the kids will have a ball without getting bored or grumpy and if you cut the cake about 30min into the party, and then hand out bubble wands or water ballons, half the party will be over before its time for coffee, and the kids won’t really miss the extra hours. If you want to schedule something, old fashioned games like pass-the-parcel, or musical chairs still keep even the surliest kids happy, Just be sure to stock up on mini smartie boxes or other sweet treats and shower them with “prizes” and words of praise. Once again – you only have to keep this up for a couple of hours, so be involved and be a happy, high-energy host for 180minutes.
We love the idea of living slower and smaller. In the crazy consumerism driven world we live in, leaning out and stepping back can be refreshing. The Dutch, a nation lauded for raising the happiest kids in the world have always adopted this low key approach to parties. Read on to educate yourself!
6 Secrets to raising the happiest kids in the world
Focus on the child
A relaxed at home birthday party will also allow your child to have meaningful engagements with their guests and enjoy the magic of playing with close friends on a special day. Read on for a beautiful explanation of what kids need and want from their birthdays.
Montesorri Foundation: Is bigger really better?
Birthday Party Smackdown (small wins)
A birthday should be about the child, not about your desire to impress the community!
Also read our article on practical self care; You cannot pour from an empty cup.