A Guide to Creating Your Own Unique Wall Art
Tapestry crochet, and crochet in general, is making a massive comeback, and for good reason – it’s super addictive with amazing results. If you’re a seasoned crocheter and want to try out something new, or a complete beginner looking to fill some time, tapestry crochet could be your answer. Here’s a guide to tapestry crochet.
Tapestry crochet is a captivating and colourful technique that combines elements of regular crochet with a bit of colour-work to create intricate and visually stunning designs. You can, in theory, create whatever design your heart desires, with a few simple steps.
Step 1: Creating Your Design
The act of deciding what to crochet is probably the most fun. Your designs can range from a simple heart, or an intricate landscape. However, remember, the more complicated the design, the more you’re going to have to crochet!
To actually design the tapestry project, think of pixel art. Every single square you put on the graph will be a stitch, so if you have a graph that is 15×15 blocks, your finished piece will be 15 stitches by 15 rows!
Below is an example of a relatively simple tapestry crochet project, followed by a more complex project.