Hope for the best, plan for the worst.
South African’s are a mercurial bunch. We are so different, so diverse, so proud. Is it a good Seven Colour plate with chicken and beetroot, or a braai with plain whitebread braaibroodjies. Do you choose Samp and beef potjie, or Runners and unsalted pap?
There is only one thing that unites us all.
Once, every four years, we all stand together, dust off our best anthem singing voices, wear or rugby Jerseys and unite behind our boys in green and gold. Few things give us as a country such universal joy as Beating the Brits or Whacking the Wallabies or Annihilating the All Blacks.
We like winning, we are proud of our boys and luckily for us, the end up top of the world year after year.
So, we don’t want to jinx them…but let’s be prepared?
I am by no means a rugby fanatic, or even knowledgeable enough to yell coherent advice at the TV. But I know that upsets happen even to the most prepared team, and I want to be ready for this.
That is why we have come up with two easy, comforting, and hearty meal options for the upcoming Rugby World Cup final.
Yes: We are assuming a couple of things here…
1) The Springboks will make it to the final,
2) You will be having some kind of social get together to watch (and hopefully) celebrate their victory.
First up, in case of victory: Better-than-a-broodjie Braai Pizza.
As great as a braaibroodjie is, they are fidgety and take up a lot of game time to make. Get out of the kitchen quicker and don’t waste your time buttering individual slices of bread or risk dropping them in the coals when they inevitably escape form the “rooster”…
We suggest a braai pizza. Its as simple as it sounds.
Take two frozen or readymade pizzas of your choice, flip one onto the other one, toppings facing each other, and voila – a giant circular pizza style braaibroodjie. No buttering, no cheese slicing, no fuss.
You can Zhoosh it up with extra toppings like grated cheese, crumbled feta, sliced or caramelized onions, even fresh tomato and pesto or chutney…You can be as “extra” as you want and your guests will think you are brilliant for creating a side dish in an instant.
Now for the morning after the night before…
Let’s say the unthinkable happens and we do not reign victorious (let’s blame the referee).
You wake, still disappointed. You walk through the deserted house. It is a battlefield of unfinished drinks, discarded Springbok memorabilia, and leftovers. Everybody lost their appetite when the final whistle blew and now you have piles of cold braaivleis to deal with…
Add to that the pounding headache from all the crying you did last night, and you definitely deserve a bit of comfort food.