Rise and shine baby!
Story time:
I have difficulty sleeping. Always have. In fact, I have never slept through the night. From my first evening on this earth, (my mom revels in telling people) Night-time was my go-time. This is probably why I have no younger siblings. I think I broke my parents…
As I grew older, I got used to this, and I have many little hacks and tricks that at least allow me to get a few consecutive and unmedicated hours of sleep each night.
I have a rigorous nighttime routine of cleaning the whole kitchen, stretching for at least 30 minutes, skincare, and finally a whole stack of books next o my bed. I do not do coffee after dark, I skip screens most days…and yet, many nights, I lie awake, thinking of nothing, but sleep still evading me.
That was, until I moved in with the Geek.
Apparently, light affects sleep. (And your mood in general.)
Your circadian rhythm, the 24/7 internal clock that affects your sleep patterns, is influenced by light.
Before the dawn of electricity and the never-ending strobes of electric lighting, human beings lived according to the sun. Daylight was for waking, working, and doing whatever needed to be done. The darkness of night was for – sleeping. Simple as that.
These days however we are blasted with artificial light, from overhead lighting, bright grocery aisles, screens, light up billboards…We very rarely have a moment of light free calm. Light pollution also means that even if you switch of all your personal light sources, you don’t really have a chance at experiencing true darkness.
This flood of light has spilled over into our sleeping habits. Let’s be honest – no amount of warnings and news articles about the detrimental effects of blue light from screens are ever taken seriously. We know it’s bad, we don’t care, we keep on scrolling.
Enter the light-wizard
The aforementioned geek is an extremely scientific being. He believes in research and gladly adapts his environment to suit his needs. Once he realised that his roomie wasn’t a good sleeper he started improvising.
This is why, along with many other apps, sensors, monitors and tiny control panels, we also have an LED lighting strip running around the cornices of our bedrooms.
At first, I told him that I refused to sleep in his weird, cyberpunk neon fever dream. Until he switched on the soothing amber glow and I drifted off shortly after applying my eye cream…