If you are serious about sustainability then you most probably already have a water tank. If not, then we are here to convince you why getting one set up in your home is vital for the general good and for saving water. Water tanks are large containers that store water. Through a set of pipes, the water is delivered to wherever it is needed. This stored water can be used in a lot of ways, more than just for personal use.
Water Sources
Water can be collected from many sources. Rainwater is one of the more common sources of water for your tanks. Natural freshwater areas such as streams and lakes are also a good source of water, especially if you happen to live nearby. If there are no bodies of water around, groundwater or borehole water is another good source of water for your tank.
Raw water from these types of sources can contain harmful chemicals and germs. You need to make sure the water is treated before you use it.
The Many Uses
The reasons to save water are endless. Homeowners use water tanks to save drinking water as well as water for home use and irrigation for their property. Water for drinking purposes needs to be treated before you can drink it, however using collected water for watering your garden is efficient, environment-friendly, and cheaper than using regular water from your taps.
More than One Kind
We are most commonly used to seeing plastic water tanks. In South Africa, there are a few brands of plastic water tank products that have been around for many years. Plastic water tanks are an excellent and affordable way to store water. It is however advised that you replace them regularly. Plastic contains toxins that can contaminate your water – especially if your plastic water tank is a bit old.
Concrete and steel are also great for water storage tanks. Concrete is porous and may require an extra layer of plastic inside the tank for it to successfully store water for long periods. Steel, on the other hand, if galvanized, is an excellent choice for storing pretty much anything – including water.
Experts say that fibreglass is most probably your best bet when it comes to water tanks. Usually more expensive than the other options, and they can be installed either above or below ground.
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